Chapter 32 - A New Start

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There is going to be more chapters, I don't want to drag the story on for too long but I also want to keep writing this story for a while longer, so here's the newest chapter.


Skylar's P.O.V

Once I got downstairs I saw two bottles on the counter, one for me and a baby bottle for Andy, we had a big day today since I have to go to the adoption agency with Hannah and go through the paperwork, they are human though so I've decided to dress a bit normally and since my eyes have randomly wanted to change color at random times I'm going to have to buy some contacts.

By the front door there was a load of baby stuff, which I decided to move into my room next to my bed, but I can't move it upstairs until later.

I got the bottles and sat down on the couch and Andy took it and gulped it down as fast as he could, "Your mom said that would happen until his blood lust is over, but that should be good for today but I think they will notice his change in hair and eye color", Hunter said as he walked into the room, Lain was out and Lexi was asleep.

I never thought about that so I called my mom, "Humans will see him with blonde hair and blue green eyes since he is still a fledgling, but when he gets a bit older his true form will be seen, but his red eyes will only be visible to the supernatural community so there is nothing to worry about", checking the time I said goodbye and went upstairs to get changed.

I decided on black skinny jeans and a formal white blouse with flats and light make-up, I hated the simpleness of it but I went along with it anyway, I straightened my hair that now goes past my waist and picked out some clothes for Andy.

Once I got Andy dressed I grabbed my car keys and went to meet Hannah, we met outside a small coffee shop in the human towns which was only a 10 minute drive from the adoption centre.

"He's looking good, how has he been", Hannah asks as we sit at a table me with Andy in my arms and her with all the paper work that we had to go through before the appointment. This was going to be a long day.


We stopped in a chemist and I bought a pair of blue contact lenses, as I pulled up at the adoption centre, I was really nervous I would slip up or do something wrong, I needed Andy as much as he needed me, especially after what happened.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I looked towards Hannah and she didn't say anything but I knew that she was trying to get me to calm down, I took a deep breath and got out of the car to get Andy out from his car seat.

Walking through the doors of the adoption centre I had a pit in my stomach, I have never been so nervous around humans, but now I was too scared to even talk to one.

"Hi, how can I help you?", a young girl who is sitting at the receptionist desk, Hannah goes up and gives her a bunch of paperwork, we were told to wait a few minutes outside of a small office, this wasn't really helping the nauseous feeling I was getting. I could smell the scent of a vampire but I just couldn't pin point it to a person.

"Miss Skylar Rose and Mrs Hannah Woods", I looked up at a middle aged woman with a look of disappointment on her face after reading Hannah's name out. We stood and walked into the office.

"What brought you back so early, we warned you about giving the child hope and then coming back three days later", the woman pretty much shouted and Andy stirred in his sleep, when she noticed she calmed down a little and let Hannah talk.

"I know, I just never knew that my husband would refuse to know the child, he's had a problem with coping after finding out that we can't have anymore children of our own". Letting out a sigh she continued, "I am really sorry about bringing him back so soon, but that's just because I have found a good home for him".

I looked up at the woman and she went round her desk and sat down, motioning for us to do the same, "You've already found a family", she asked looking at me, "and where is the rest of this family", there was a smug look on her face when she said this, that's when the vampire scent came back.

For some reason it was blocked by the doors to the office, and also when I came in the room but my senses can be a little off in the human world, mostly due to the buildings and the lack of nature, but right now her scent was hitting me full force, "well, do you not have an answer".

"You're not of Royal nor Noble blood and seeing as you do not know who my family is, you are clearly not in contact with any of our kind", I say getting closer to her, her eyes clouded over and when they cleared a pale red, almost pink colour appeared where the brown was, I could not determine the family, only my parents could do that but I know that the lighter the red, the weaker the vampire.

"Who do you think you are, coming into my place of work and insulting my bloodline, you do know even weaker vampires can tell what you are from your scent, filthy hybrid". Hannah stood forward, "I suggest you do not insult her", she said while I took out my contacts, the woman didn't listen.

"Do not tell me what to do, she thinks that insulting me because I am not of royal blood is a good thing to do", she looks towards me again, "filth like you shouldn't even be alive".

I let my fangs out and when I blinked my eyes changed colour, walking over to the woman who's eyes were now wide with shock and her auras colours were all over the place, "I am happy to see that you are okay with expressing your emotions".

"However, I am not happy that you are insulting me and my brother, you may see us as filth but we will soon be making decisions for both our lives, and yours, yes we are hybrids, but that should not mean anything to you if you are truly loyal to us", I said not breaking eye contact, "now I want you to sign these papers and let me take Andy home, a young vampire does need his rest".

She looks at Andy confused, she hadn't really looked at him at all so she never noticed his drastic change of appearance, she nods and starts to sign the adoption papers, with my signature on the pages we were done and could leave.


After dropping Hannah home she invited me to dinner and said that I could bring Andy and Hunter, but it looks like it will only be me and Andy since Hunter has to go to work, but after getting dressed up I was looking forward to it.

I had on a peach dress, a black leather jacket, silver cross earrings, black heels and a small bag for my phone, before I left I picked up a blood bottle for Andy and a coffee cup of blood for me. Seeing that Hannah only lived a few blocks away I decided to walk, carrying Andy in his car seat. I walked down the roads until we turned up outside of Hannah's house.

I knocked on the door and I heard shuffling inside, the door opened and Kara was standing in front of me and invited me into the living room, there was a ton of food on the table and five plates which confused me a little, did I forget to tell Hannah that Hunter couldn't make it.

Hannah came running into the living room pulling me into a hug while Kara took Andy, she was amazed by the way he's changed.

"My husband Elliot has invited a friend of his as well, he may not be here for a while but we will start dinner without him as he cannot stay for long", she said walking towards the kitchen, I followed behind her and we talked for a while until the front door opened signalling that Elliot was home. When he saw me and Andy his eyebrows rose in confusion. This was going to be a long night.


Hey guys, this chapter is a little short, but I would like to thank you all for waiting so long for a new update. Seeing as my mock exams start next week the next few updates will be slow until I leave school for the Christmas holidays.

- Leona

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