Chapter 28 - The Decision

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Hey as there has not been as many updates that I had hoped I will try to get as many done as I can over Easter break, so that means that I have two weeks to get a few chapters done, make sure to check out my newest book, A Broken Girl and tell me what you think, and to all those Vampire Academy fans out there I have decided to do my own interpretation of Dimitri's POV.


Skylar's P.O.V

"What is wrong this time", I shouted at the bunch of idiots making both Lexi and Scarlet jump, "do I seriously need to put leashes on all of you, Jay, Jordan will you please shut up, and Hunter calm down a bit", I said walking over and putting my hand on his shoulder, he calmed down enough for me to talk without having to hear him growling.

"Now can you please tell me what's going on", I narrowed my eyes at the tree of them but Jordan was the first to speak up, "This Lycan here is trying to tell me that it was your idea to go to Jason, you didn't even tell us that you were there, Alex was the one who told us, then we go to your parents house to see how you are and to check up on you when you cam back to find out that you moved out and moved in with a Lycan".

"Seriously couldn't you choose better friends to move in with like Melody or even buy your own house, don't you know how dangerous their race is I can't eve...", I growled loudly and let my eyes flash red.

"Look I know you don't understand the situation I thought that you would've been a bit more supportive, yes I left my parents place but that was because they were trying to control me, and also because they didn't approve of my mate, and for your information that person is Hunter".

When I finished talking I had nearly everyone in the room staring at me, even hunter was but Jackson was watching tv and Lain was in the kitchen.

"Here we go, we got one chance to make it, we better not lose control before everyone forgets your nam...", I took my phone out of my pocket and looked at the number, "Jason", as soon as I said that Lain, Jay and Jordan growled.

"Have you decided", I asked ignoring the looks from them all.

"Yes, am I United with your brothers pack, ... or yours", I knew that everyone heard him but I didn't have an answer yet, "I'm not sure I am going to know by tomorrow, so it looks like Christmas Day is going to be full of drama", "I will text you an address for the packs to meet".

"Okay then, we will see you soon Skylar", I hung up and waited for the first question.

"You, are going to create a pack, a pack of your own, how are you going to do that your not an alpha", Jordan asked confused.

"I may not be an alpha female to the wolves but I am going to lead a bunch of uptight vampires, so in some ways I am, and I'm not sure if I have to lead a pack of my own until I talk to Micheal, just give me an hour and I'll be back", without letting anyone else talk I ran upstairs to change then grabbed the keys to my bike and soon I was outside Micheal's door.

I walked up to the front door and knocked, the door opened and I was pulled in for a big hug, "Hey Sky", Melody said quietly and in a few minutes I asked Micheal.

~ less than two minutes later

"No and I'm not saying it again, I am not going to let him anywhere near me and my pack", I couldn't even get a word in by the way he was shouting but then he brought something up, "I want you to move on with me or back with your parents, I don't want you in that house with them", wait for it, "especially that Hunter guy, I spoke to your parents and I know who he is", I glared at him.

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