Chapter 23 - A Crazy Day

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Hey guys I know its a bit late for some, so I would just like to say Merry Christmas x

In this chapter a new person is entering Skylar's life, for some of you I sent out messages about creating their own character and TrippleM27xoxo is the one who's character I have chosen xx


Skylar P.O.V.

It has been two weeks since Hunter was kicked out of the palace, and also since Me, Lain and Jackson went with him, and let me tell you, Its been amazing, I didn't have to hear the words, "Do you need anything princess", "Is the food to your standards princess", seriously I would eat anything the cook would make, I swear hes a food GOD, I'm pretty sure the only things I miss is the food and my truck.

Max stayed over most of the nights but my parents are already pissed that I left without telling them so they were taking it out on Max, Well, It is officially one week till Christmas and Monday is the last day left of school.

Jackson is obsessed with the idea that "Santa" is getting him loads of things, which "he" is, god I swear the whole attic if filled with presents that we can just about open the latch, but most of them are his.

Mom and dad haven't had a normal conversation with me unless it had the words, "You better come back home", I have decided to go over there and sort things out with them, I still cant believe that they had Hunter removed from the palace just because he is a different species, hello, I am too so what difference does that make.

I picked up my phone and text Max and Jayden to ask them if they wanted to go for a run, a few seconds later I had messages from both of them and we were meeting near the borders in 15 minutes, turns out that the next patrol was cancelled because the guards came down with the flu so I had to find someone else to help.

Lain stayed with Jackson because they were going to buy presents so me and Hunter got ready to patrol, Instead of changing into running clothes, I got changed into my hunting gear, I gave Hunter a gun and a knife and I told Jayden to get Max something.

We were out the door and running to the boarders, I think we beat a record for the time it takes to get from one side of town to the other in less than 5 minutes, I saw the two idiots sitting on a log looking as bored as hell.

"Hey guys, you ready", they both nodded and we split, I went to the South borders, Max the East, Jay - West and Hunter - North, a few minutes into patrolling I heard a twig snap and grabbed an arrow and placed it firmly on the bow, but I placed it back when I saw nothing.

I was about to carry on walking when I heard a faint voice, "Help, please help me", it was a girls voice, I walked towards the voice and saw a girl on her back with a bite mark on her stomach, Rosalie (my wolf), sensed that she was a rogue, but only became one about two days ago, "Shit".

I linked to the guys, North West woods by the lake, Hurry, I knelt down and looked at the bite, it looked really bad, but her shirt was covering most of it, when I tried to move it she squirmed away but groaned in pain from the bite, "Hey, Its okay, I'm not going to hurt you I promise", she still looked scared, "I just need you to relax, I need to see how bad it is".

She nodded slightly and I peeled back the shirt, The bite was bad and If the bleeding didn't stop she could die, I could heal her, but I cant do it here, its too near the borders and its too dangerous, I ripped off the scarf from around my neck and got it round her stomach, it took a few tries but thankfully got it round her stomach and tied it as tight as I could.

When the guys turned up I was taking away some of the pain she had from the bite, She stopped whimpering and went unconscious, I got Hunter to carry her back to the house, when we got through the door Max put a sheet over the bed in the guest room, Hunter put her down on the bed, and I told him to get a few things.

He came through the door with a bowl of cold water, a few cloths and two bottles of water as well, I concentrated on the girls bite and a few seconds later the bleeding stopped, the bite was still there but when she woke up her wolf would heal that for her, I used the cloth and water to clean up the girls blood soaked hands and stomach.

I drunk one of the bottles of water and put one on the bedside table with two aspirin and some clothes for the girl before going into the living room and collapsing on the sofa, god this always makes me tired, I fell asleep on the couch and dreamed about chocolate for some really weird reason I was in the chocolates point of view when someone eats it, it was really weird.

"Skylar, Sky wake up", I opened my eyes to see Jackson smiling at me, "Hey buddy whats up", he looked towards the door, "There's a girl in the room next to yours, I think shes awake, I heard someone crying and I thought it was you so I went in there, I didn't mean to scare her, I promise I didn't but she freaked out like a cat seeing a dog and ran into the bathroom", he said, I nodded and gave him the TV remote and told him to put something in TV.

I walked into the guest room to see the bathroom door now unlocked and the girl looking in the mirror, she had changed into the jeans, shirt and hoody and she kept looking around behind her as if something was going to jump out and attack her, well she had a reason for that, "Hey, Are you okay".

The girl looked up with wide eyes and fell backwards trying to get away, "Hey like I said before, I'm not going to hurt you I promise", I told her, she nodded and came into the room, "I'm Skylar, but you can call me Sky", she smiled and spoke, "I'm Lexi, Lexi Miller".


Yes I know that its another short chapter but there will be another one up tomorrow and the day after I promise.

What do you think could have happened to Lexi to scar her that much ????, I would again like to thank TrippleM27xoxo for the character Lexi Miller and I would really appreciate it if you checked out her book Living with the Millers.


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