An End in Sight

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Welcome, once again to the crazy world that I am finally starting to piece together. It has taken me many years to finally get to the last few closing chapters, and what an interesting few years it has been. I am fairly sure I have been working on this story since 2012/13, and almost 9 years later I can bring this story to an end. 

The last 5 chapters will lay out many of the questions that Skylar has had about herself, her family and the world around her. In a way, a few of the troubles that Skylar had been facing was a way for me to deal with my own thoughts and feelings. It has been quite a ride for Skylar and her friends, from finding a new life to escape her past, to finally realising how important her past was in order to find herself and be happy.

Once I release Chapter 45, the story will come to an end and I will be brainstorming a sequel if that is something that you would look forward to.

I want to thank each and everyone of you that have been here since the beginning. You have been here through the horrendous grammar, the mistakes and the parts of the story that just did not make sense at all. 

Writing this story gave me an escape, one that I welcomed at every giving moment, and I cannot wait to continue the journey of exploring creative writing with all of you. 

My main focus at the end of this would mainly be the story "Yours Truly". I would really appreciate it if you could give the first published chapter a read, and please tell me your thoughts.

Stay safe and thank you again for all of the support!

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