Chapter 30 - United - Part 2

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Thank to all of you have waited so long for this chapter, but exams are over for now and I will have more time to write before Work Experience, here's the new chapter.


An hour later we were getting ready to go out for dinner, Dad said to dress up as we were going to a restaurant, I wore a dark red dress with one lace sleeve and a black leaf belt with, black and red heels black earrings and I wore the bracelet mom and dad gave me today as well as my promise ring, my hair was curled and made the black stand out more.

I grabbed my waist high leather jacket and purse and I went downstairs to see if the others were ready, "come on Max will you hurry up", I heard mom shout at him, turns out that he was too lazy to get ready at home so he brought all of his things here.

Great idea that was. Note the sarcasm.

I laughed and knocked on Hunter's door, "yeah", I walked in to see him trying to do up his tie, I walked over and moved his hands away and started to do it myself.

"Do you have any idea where we're going", I asked and he shook his head, once I was done I straightened out his collar and handed him the blazer.

"Why do I have to wear a blazer, while you get to be all comfy in a leather jacket", He said glaring at the blazer like he wanted to burn it, I shrugged and pulled him out of the room.

"Sky, Hunter, it's time to leave the cars here", dad called from downstairs, "alright dad were coming now".

Soon enough we were sitting in a cramped car with no clue where we were going and to be honest I was nervous, never been out to dinner with everyone before and I have no idea how they act, and more importantly.

They don't know how I act.

"We're here", I heard dad say and I looked out the almost black windows to see a huge glass building, "this is where we are eating", I asked and mom nodded, okay then, let's hope I don't mess this up.

We all piled out of the car and I picked up Jackson and he wrapped his arms around my neck and I smiled at him, "tired little guy", he nodded and rested his head on my shoulders and I held him up with one hand while Hunter put his hand in the other.

I turned around to see Lain and Lexi smiling at each other, they totally liked one another, and that made me smile even more, Lexi looked beautiful, She was wearing a coral/red dress that was tight around her upper body and fanned out near the bottom, it went perfect with her pale skin and dark hair.

Lain was wearing a black suit and coincidentally a tie that matched Lexi's dress, and they both looked so cute, I looked back at my parents to see them talking to alter man at the door and then they told us to follow them, I held onto Jackson and Hunter's hand, and we walked through the doors with the Lain and Lexi not far behind us, "wow", I heard from behind me and that all I could say as well.

The restaurant was beautiful, the ceiling went on forever and there was candle lite lights all around the room, Christmas decorations on the tables and a huge Christmas tree right in the middle of the room and next to it was a red grand piano that I just wanted to take home.

We sat down at a table and I put Jackson on the chair next to mine and Hunter on my right side, I couldn't help but keep staring at the piano, it looked perfect just siting there, my dad chuckled and I looked up to see him staring at me weirdly.

We were handed menus and I was surprised to see what was on the menu and nearly drooled, this was not a normal restaurant, all the food here was no where near cooked and it reminded me how hungry Anna was,(my vampire), the others apart from Lain, Lexi and Jackson looked the same, I saw a menu for the tree of them that had food that was cooked properly and their smiles returned.

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