Chapter 9 - Secrets Out - Part 2

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Dedicated to Love_Cookie


Skylar P.O.V ~

I Had a great time with Max's friends, They actually remembered me and for hat I was glad, Max came up with a wonderful idea, He asked me do I know any of Micheal's favourite songs, and I did, It was Someone To Save You - One Republic, He told me that it was his favourite, I also knew that he never told anyone, He loved the song because of Mo m. Dad hated it and that only made me love it more.

I now knew how to tell Micheal it was me, Max's friend Cole was now the base player and Cole's brother Dylan was they keyboard player, We now had a full band and they agreed to help me, we were practising all night and Jayden wasn't his usual self, He joined in more and for that I was happy.

It took us all night to get everything perfect, at 12:00 Max came up to my room, "Happy Birthday little sis" He said calmly, I couldn't get to sleep and all I could think about is meeting my parents, "What if Mom and Dad hate me, Yeah they've seen me when I was a kid but I've changed a lot, What if ...".

I was cut off by Max hugging me, "They wont hate you, you've become strong and in-dependant, Yeah you've changed but you have more confidence, Just don't tell dad you have a Motorbike he will flip", I laughed and hugged him back, we watched a movie that I don't remember the name of and fell asleep on the couch.

"Aww they are just too cute, If only Jordan and I were like that, Scarlet can we wake them up now", I heard when I was waking up, I opened my eye just a little and saw Jordan with a bucket of water, "OK, one two th.." before the bucket came anywhere near me I used Vamp speed to grab the bucket and throw it  over Jordan.

Jay and Scarlet were laughing they re heads off until I threw them in the pool, I saw that Max was up, and he looked at the guys in confusion, "They tried to wake us up by throwing a bucket of water over us", Max just looked at them. 

Once they were out the pool they decided to get dressed, well get dressed again, "We were just going to say happy birthday, I told Jay that you would get pissed if we poured water over you, He completely forgot about the Vamp hearing, Talking about that I knew it was around now that you would need to feed","There is a deer by the back door".

I felt relieved and I grabbed Max's arm and we went to downstairs, We fed and got ready for another shopping spree, I bought Max an Acoustic guitar and let me tell you he loved it, I also bough a dress for tonight, It was a strapless black dress that showed the knee downwards but the back went all the way down to the floor, It was like the one Mel picked out for me ages ago.

I also bought some black pumps, A black choker and some hooped earrings. I met up with Max in McDonald's too see that he already ordered for me and him, A Big Mac with a Chocolate Shake and Fries also 5 little tubs of ketchup. I looked to see he had the exact same.

"I didn't know what you liked so I got you this", He said looking down, "I'm glad you got me my favourite, I have this all the time", A smile appeared on his face, "Really, I have this all the time as well","Looks like the quote was true, Great Minds Think Alike", I just laughed, "You're so full of yourself", He smirked and we ate.

He handed me a small box, "Happy Birthday Skylar" I opened the box to find a Silver bracelet with Ruby's all the way round in the shape of hearts, It was beautiful, (Picture at top), I didn't think I just hugged  him "Thank you Max", I handed him his present and he looked shocked, It was dark blue with his name on it, It also had a guitar pick that I got made especially for him.

To My Wonderfully Annoying Brother Max

Love Sky xx

He just laughed and started playing We Remain by Christina Aguilera, And I started to sing,

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