Chapter 4 - Staying At Melodies

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I decided to put this chapter up a little earlier as I'm at home and there's nothing to do. Vote and Comment.

This chapter is dedicated to Annabelle04 for following.


~Melody P.O.V

After I heard Sky's story and see her have a breakdown telling it I decided that she wasn't staying in that house where her dad and others could hurt her, She agreed to staying at mine because I think she's still scared of her dad.

We got to hers and she told me that we had to climb a tree to get to her room, I just stared at her like she was a ghost, "HELL NO, I'm not climbing a tree," I shout whispered at her." You have to its the only way to my room without getting caught by my brothers mates," she said whilst giving me a pleading look, "fine I'll climb the stupid tree," I said sighing.

Once we got to the top of the tree it wasn't hard to get thorough the open window and land straight on her bed. Her room was in the attic and it was incredibly small but I think she liked it as she had a closet a desk and by the look's of it a door that led to somewhere no-one could find her. Well at least I think it was a secret door.

"I just have to grab a few things from the bathroom, back in a minute," I nod at sky as she walks down the attic stairs. I look around at her stuff and find a picture of her mom before she died. She had blonde hair like Sky's and emerald green eyes, I have no idea what Skylar's original colour is because of her funky eyes, That's the only way I could describe them, I saw that Sky dyed her hair black because you could see the blonde in the roots.

I turned around and faced the stairs when I smelt the most wonderful thing, Chocolate and Pine-cones, I know that they shouldn't smell great together but to me it was intoxicating, Sky was walking up the stairs and behind her was the most Hottest guys I've ever seen he looked a lot like Sky he must be her brother.

When he saw me I looked into his Jade green eyes, I couldn't even look away, Skylar was saying something to us but I couldn't hear her, he whispers "mate." "Oh Melody this is Michael, Mike this is Melody," I stare at him and I turn all shy "Hi I'm Melody," wait didn't Sky already tell him what my name was, god I'm so dumb, a second later his lips are on mine, I feel sparks all through my body.

"My eyes, My poor innocent eyes, Guys please stop before I puke", He breaks apart from me and says, "Hi I'm Michael", we turn to look at Sky, whose covering her eyes, I manage a laugh even though I feel like my legs are going to give way. I just found my mate, I didn't think it could happen because I'm a half-breed.

I look at him whilst he moves her hands from her face, "Where are you going with all that, It looks like you're moving out," he says looking worried, She laughs at him and looks at me, "I'm staying at Melodies for a bit, is that alright." He looks at me again and says "Sure," I smile at him and give him my number, he kisses me again before we leave. Me and Sky get back in the car with Michael looking at us until we drive off.


~Michael's P.O.V

I got worried again once I heard Skylar climb in through her window, I walk upstairs after Jake and see that she has bumped into him on her way out of the bathroom with all of her stuff, When I get there I hear Jake, " Umm Hi Skylar," she looks away from him and says, "Hi Jake."

She's still scared of him I can tell by the way she can't look at him. I grab her by the arm and look at her confused, "Where are you going," she looks at me and says,"I'm staying at Melodies for a bit".

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