Chapter 19 - Lycan In Trouble

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Hey like I promised here is and early chapter next one up in 2 days, So here it is.

Sam Claflin as Hunter ----------->>>


Skylar P.O.V.

"So explain".

He nodded and I told him to follow me, We went out the back doors and I told him to shift, he looked nervous, I let my fangs drop, "Shift", He obliged and he changed, I've seen people shift before but it was nothing like this, he screamed during the transformation and I had to turn away.

I looked back and saw him looking at his paws and fur like it was different, I ran and shifted into my wolf in mid step and I howled, He followed and I ran further into the forest with him a few jumps behind, Once I got to the hidden part of the forest I stopped and changed back.

This was also one of the places I hid and I looked around and saw only Hunter, I motioned his form to follow, I parted the leaf thing and walked into a cave that turned into a room, it had natural light from a hole at the top, There was a bunch of things here, even a bed and old clothes from when I had to change.

Nobody knew of this place but it was distant and sound proof, Hunter shifted but when I looked at him he was hid behind a boulder, "Why you hiding", His cheeks flushed pink, "Lycan's are different than wolves", I looked at him with an eyebrow raised, "We have no clothes on when we shift back", Recognition came, "One sec", I went to one of the bags and pulled out a baggy Tee and some sweats.

I threw them to him and about a minute later he was clothed and looking around the room cave, "What is this place", he asked in an awed tone, "My hideout, it was where I would be alone before I ran", he nodded and got down to explaining.

"Your parents hired my parents a long time ago to find you, I was only 5, It was a few days before my birthday, they got a call about the princess going missing, they were loyal to your father as he helped find me, I was kidnapped by rogues when I was only a cub, they searched for years but they could never find you, it was like you had vanished".

"When I was 13, they were killed in a attack, you probably heard about it, nearly everyone came to help because we were all allies, I decided to carry on the search and two years later I'm at a mall in some other packs ground, I was given permission to pass through, I hear singing and there you are, I looked at the pictures and you look the same, just older, the eyes were what gave you away".

"There just like your dads, but there were scars all over your arms, ones that looked more voluntary, so I left you that note, I knew about your powers or differences as you brother was the same as you, your dad never got the powers nor your brother but lycan's can sense something different about people, I don't know what it is but its instinctual".

I was getting the picture, "You said you would help me with the changes, I've had all but one", he nodded, "yes because the last is going to chose your fate", I looked away thinking of my fate in the hands of a power, "It tells whether you are light or dark, people often know which one would chose them but in your case its a lot harder", Light or Dark? Is this guy insane?.

"I don't understand but your going to help right", he smiled, "Yes its my duty, not just to you but in memory of my parents, they cared about you as your loyal subjects but also because they knew how it feels to loose your child, they also lost my brother before I was born that's why they were so grateful for your father helping get me back".

I put my hand on his when a tear rolled down his cheek, for some reason people keep crying, I thought that was my job, "Your parents would be proud of what your doing and I'm grateful to be able to have someone to help me".

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