Chapter 20 - An Awkward Shopping Spree

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Hey guys I know this is late but I have been real busy and haven't had much time but here you go, to make it up to you there will be another chapter soon.


Skylar's P.O.V.

After taking Skittles for a walk I quickly got changed out of my sweats into -----> (outfit on the side).

When I got downstairs Hunter and Jackson were waiting and I saw Jay there too, I gave him a hug and whispered in his ear, "I need you to distract them at the mall, Its Jackson's birthday tomorrow and I need to pick up his present today", Jay nodded and we walked out to the car garage, since there was four of us we decided to take Max's truck again.

Once we were all in we headed to the mall and on the way Jackson said, "Skylar, I think somethings wrong with Daddy", I looked at him then back to the road, "Why do you think that kiddo?", he shrugged, "Hes not been talking to me, I don't know whats wrong", I told him that hes fine, but what he said was true, Lain hasn't been talking to us for a while, if he does talk to us it only lasts a minute.

When we got there something didn't seem right, I know that there would be humans around because they were here first, but their scents have changed, I got out of the truck and threw the keys to Jay and told him to stay inside with Jackson, Hunter followed me and I told him to act normal, Once we got in the shopping centre I saw what was wrong, There was humans watching us, I called Jayden and told him it was okay but to try not to attract attention to himself.

We met up at the food court and I went off to buy Jackson's present with Hunter, I bought a Giant Skittle pillow, the new Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Xbox game, and a bunch of Pokemon DVD sets.

Once I was done with that I had to get them wrapped up before we met up with Jayden and Jackson again so I got all the stuff delivered to the house and I text Lain so he could wrap them, "Okay, one more shop till we go and get your clothes and stuff, but know this I am not boxer shopping with you", I looked at him seriously for a few seconds and he started laughing, I joined in and we went to buy a cake for Jackson.

After a while of fighting over which cake to get we decided on an Oreo one and since his birthday was tomorrow we ordered it to be delivered in the morning, Shopping with guys is so boring they just walk in see what they want pick their size and pay for it, but Hunter went on for an hour and a half in the Jeans section, picking up a pair walking to pay for them and putting them back to find a different pair because they were too tight or too blue.

They are called Blue Skinny Jeans for a reason.

We finally finished another hour later and went to find Jayden and Jackson, We found them by Top Man, and when I saw them walk out I almost fell over laughing, they were both dressed in Black Skinny jeans, a white button up shirt with a black blazer over the top, they each had a pair of black vans on and sunglasses and stood there with there backs against each other and their arms crossed.

"Sky, how do we look", I laughed slightly and said, "Very.... Identical, you look good". Jackson gave me a cute smile and I grabbed his hand and we started walking to the entrance when we heard a crash behind us, I turned around and saw Tyler, a member of my pack being attacked by the humans that we saw earlier.

*Their not humans*

*What do you mean?, Rosalie, What are they?* (I tried to use my aura power but it was different they had no aura, I should have noticed that earlier, but, what are they?


Shit, "Jay, get Jackson home and call my parents, keep everyone in the house", He nodded but looked at me,"What about you", I told him to go, "Ill be fine just get him away from here", I held my head up and started to walk towards the guys trying to sedate Tyler, "Excuse me don't you think that's a bit rude, What did he ever do to you".

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