Chapter 24 - Why Is This So Confusing??

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Hey I know, kill me if you have to, the chapters late and I am sorry, I am I swear, here's a long chapter to make it up.


Skylar P.O.V.

"I'm Lexi, Lexi Miller", the girl said smiling. I showed her around the house and went into the kitchen to make lunch for the guys and Jackson, "Hey Lexi, do you want anything to eat", she nodded, "What do you want?", she looked in the fridge and pointed at the nutella and I laughed, "Jackson, nutella sandwiches for lunch", I called to him, he ran in the kitchen followed by Hunter.

Jackson said, " yes yes yes yes yes yes yes", about 30 times and Hunter ran towards the Jar with a spoon like a little kid, When he went to take more I grabbed another spoon and hit his, he looked up shocked and he stood in a fencing position, "ON GUARD", he shouted and we had a spoon fight.

It ended with a very messy kitchen, we went from spoons, to forks, then food, there is now nutella on the ceiling, I'm sad that we had to leave Skittles behind (the puppy), she had to stay at the palace because she didn't want to stay in the new house, If she was her she would be trying in any possible way to get to the nutella on the ceiling.

I turned to Lexi, "It looks like there has been a malfunction with all the food and kitchen supplies so I suggest pizza, what do you think?", Lexi looked up "I would like that", we all got cleaned up and I changed putting my damp hair into a ponytail and grabbed my things before I met the guys down stairs.

 "Okay guys, I've got to go see my parents, they're trying to get me to come home, but I made it clear last time, but you guys need to come to help me convince them, mostly Jackson since mom loves the little guy", Jacks smirked and crossed his arms, I put on my jacket and threw the keys to Lain and we started walking to the pizza place.

When I turned around to make sure Jackson was keeping up, Lexi was shivering, I completely forgot that she didn't bring any clothes with her. I was about to take my jacket off when I realized that the street was packed and there were humans around, I had 2 knives strapped to my arms and a gun holder hidden in my belt, they would clearly see.

"Hunter, Lain, cover me", they didn't know what I was on about till I showed them the gun on my belt, they both stood in front of peoples view of me and I took off my Jacket then hoodie, I put my jacket back on and and made sure it covered the gun, and handed the hoodie to Lexi, she shook her head.

"Really, I can hear your teeth chattering and you are clearly cold, please take it, its the least I can do before we go to my parents later, they will have a few questions", she nodded and took the hoodie.

When we got to the pizza place it was empty so we got a table near the window and ordered one extra large pizza, 1 half meat feast, and the other half plain cheese, I looked at Lexi and she looked tense, she kept looking round her shoulder, her aura was all over the place, fear, worry, confusion and upset, I saw a bit of happiness but not much.

She is so full of darkness, but what I noticed were the familiar white lines on her wrist, which made me look at my own, What happened to this girl, "Lexi, can you come with me to the bathroom", she hesitated but agreed, when we got through the door I looked at her through the mirror.
"Are you okay, what done that to you".

She looked at the floor, "It started about a year ago, My dad, he hates me he always has, my mom she was not his true mate, dad's true mate died a year before he met mom, she was his mates twin sister and he thought it was her and he lost it, he raped her and there I was, he changed and they worked things out but mom died saving me from a rogue, he blamed me and he attacked me I was able to get away when a someone killed him, then I stumbled across your borders and well you know the rest".

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