Chapter 3 - Betrayal Part 2

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Hey, I'm sorry that I haven't been updating regularly, from now on there will be a chapter twice a week. If you view my story I will pass one of yours onto others. Thank you to those who have been commenting and voting. This chapter is dedicated to Carringfornothing for reading and commenting so thank you.


The bell went for 5th Period which was Art with Mr.Jenkins. He's about 24 and pretty much my favourite teacher. For this lesson I sit at the front because Art is my favourite lesson.

Melody takes a seat next go me and we talk until Mr.Jenkins comes in. When he walks through the door he notices Melody sitting there and smiles at her. "well class it looks like we have a new student today, care go introduce yourself." She walks up to the front of the class and smiles.

"Hi my names Melody and I just moved here from California, I'm 17 in 3 weeks and I love cake."

she says while everyone says "hey" or "hi". Well all except. Monica and the N's. "Nobody cares now move your fat ass and go sit next to the freak." Monica says while here Nady, Nichole and Natasha sit laughing behind her.

Melody growls and walks up go Monica and slaps her round the face, "I'm not fat and Skylar is not a freak so just give it a rest. If you're wondering who's fat look in the mirror and the only people who are freaks are you and your band of sluts." she shouts in her face while Monica is sitting there giving Melody a dirty look.

Monica looks at Mr.Jenkins," Why are you just standing there get Miss.James," (The Head Mistress). "I can't do that if you said something to her first Monica." was his reply. Monica growls in frustration grabs here bag and walks out of the class with the girls following her.

"Well then class, now that's done why don't we get on with the lesson, You have 45 minutes go draw a memory or a thought and try go get it done by the end of the lesson best one gets a prize." Mr.Jenkins says to all of us.

I walk to the back of the class and grab a canvas, a pencil ,and various paints.

When I sit back down I see Melody sitting there with a smile on her face.

"what's so funny" I ask her with confusion all over my face.

"I just slapped Monica round the face, and it felt good." I just laughed at her and said "was that your first time slapping someone round the face." She looked at me embarrassed "Is it that obvious". I nodded my head and she put her face in her hands.

I got back to work and with about 5 minutes to spare I had completed my work. "OK everyone let's see your work". I held up my painting with everyone else, I looked over at the painting Melody had done and it was a huge mountain surrounded by trees. It was beautiful.

Mr.Jenkins stared at me and looked away quickly. What was that about, I had painted the cave that I keep seeing in my dreams, (and nightmares).

The bell rang and me and Melody had a free period, we were going to go to hers once we were finished cleaning up here .

"Skylar can I talk to you for a minute, in private". Mr.Jenkins asks with a worried expression. I looked at Melody and she nodded and walked out of the class, and waited outside I knew she was listening because I could see her shadow by the door. I smiled mentally and walked over to his desk.

"What's up Harry" I ask with a smile. He shakes his head with a smile and says,"Skylar I told you not to call me that, anyway I want to know what was that you painted today, the cave."

"Oh that I don't know what or where it is I just keep seeing it in dreams and stuff, why so you know where it is if you so can you please tell me".

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