Chapter 7 - Gone and Back Again

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Hey I decided to give you another early update, like last time another chapter will still be up tomorrow, This chapter is dedicated to whoever comments first xx


Michael's P.O.V.

After I shouted at that Max guy, Skylar got pissed at me and I have no idea why, I kept trying to help her down the stairs but she wouldn't let me. I heard her and that Max guy talking, Its weird they talk like they've known each other for ages, "Happy Birthday Sky", I heard Max say and I got pissed off but then I realized that I never said Happy Birthday to her .

I left the house and went back to mine to think, I already bought her birthday present ages ago, It was a black electric guitar with Sky on the chord thing, I wasn't one for guitars, I decided to give it to her early, she loved it and I was glad she did, But now this is the first time I haven't said happy birthday to her.

School was boring, My phone rang and I answered it, "Mike, there's traces of a vampire in the woods, but its like it lives here there was no scent near the border, and it looks like it shifted in he middle of the forest", the Alpha said over the phone. "Okay uncle Jack ill warn the pack".

Once I told the pack it was talk of the school, well there's a vampire loose in the territory, I never told them about the fact it lives here, that would just make everyone uncomfortable.

It was the end of school and I was getting worried because I haven't seen Skylar since this morning, I got back to the pack house and I smelt Sky, "Hello, Sky are you here", I said walking up to her room.

I saw a note on her desk,

Dear Excuse Of A Pack,

I have decided to leave and not come back, I know you couldn't care less and would be glad I'm gone but the reason I'm gone is because a pack is supposed to look after each other and protect each other but I guess I was wrong on that one.

You abused me mentally and physically and I just cant take it anymore, Jake I forgive you I know I shouldn't but I do, Dad and Uncle Jack you can rot in hell for all I care,

Lain well I hope you have fun with your whores and I'm actually glad you rejected me because now you can suffer x.

Michael I love you and I promise I will not forget you, through everything you helped me and I'm sorry I disappointed you and mom. Love you xx

Skylar xx

She forgave Jake, and now she's gone, wait what, Lain rejected my little sister I'm gonna kill that asshole.

I went to the living room to find him with Monica on his lap, I used my alpha tone to make her piss off and go home because she sure as hell doesn't live here. "You rejected my baby sister, Why the fuck would you do that", He looked like he couldn't give a crap.

"She's a weak, fat human and lets not forget ugly, the moon gods gave me a disgrace of a mate and I'm glad I rejected her no matter how much shit my wolfs giving me", I punched him square in the jaw, "Well I hope you're happy now, She's gone and if she doesn't come back you are not going to hear the end of it".

I saw his face and it looked like he regretted it but then he went back to his usual self and called Monica to come back over.

I got in my car to go to my Mate melodies house, I ran up to the door and opened it to see that she was asleep on the couch and saw that she cried herself to sleep. I mover her head onto my lap and stoked he hair she snuggled up to me and relaxed. Her mom walked in and looked at her daughter with a sad expression. "Skylar was her first friend, She's going to miss her, and I think Max will too".

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