Chapter 10 - Great, Everyone Knows

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Hey, Sorry its been so long I have had MAJOR writers block and like @Reeshaxxx knows I had to prepare for an English Essay, where we had to write a short story and I decided to use this one, So Thank You for Reading. Dedicated to Reesha cuz that essay was damn hard to write.

Ending of last chapter has been edited please read the end of last before you carry on with the story.


Skylars P.O.V.

Beep, Beep, Beep........ I hit my alarm clock so hard it broke and a bit of glass got stuck in my hand, "Shit, Jason I need a little help", He groaned and turned over, "No that's like the 30th time you have done that all you need is to pull the shard out", he said and went back to sleep. Well stuff you then.

I found Jay and he helped get the glass out of my hand, I looked at the time 4:30AM, yep I'm up this early since I have to train their dumb-ass pack, they were lucky they were getting better or I would have lost it, I took an early swim and got changed into my training gear. I met Jay outside, he was already talking to the pack, When I turned up I saw that Max was there too.

I asked him to follow me, We walked over to the river and sat down on the bench, "OK I need you to tell me what the hell is going on, I mean I know about our parents but what about these powers I'm getting, Its getting confusing", He looked at me and said, "How many out of the 8 do you have, and what are they", I thought about it, "Well I have 6 out of the 8, Vampire speed and strength, 2 Elemental, Fire and Water, Mind Reading and seeing peoples auras like yours now is blue, red with a cloak of black".

"OK oh and the blue means calm , red for wolf and black is for vampires, like yours is grey, red and black, grey means confused", he explained I laughed, "That's because I am confused", he looked at me, "Ill tell you more later, but not now someones listening", I heard a branch snap and I moved as quickly as I could to find Micheal listening.

"What are you doing?, Why are you listening to our conversation?", Micheal looked up at me, "What do you mean by what auras are?, Can you see them?, because if you can that's kinda cool little sis", I laughed but stopped when I heard a growl coming from Max, I think he didn't like it that he called me little sis.

Mike stared at Max, "Whats your problem cub, aw you have a little crush on my sister, well too bad not gonna happen kid,", after he said that he left dragging me with him, Max must have pissed him off because his grip was hurting me. "Mike let go, let go of me", he wouldn't listen to me his grip just got tighter I looked at his eyes , they were pure black. Shit his wolf took over.

No matter how much I pulled away he just kept hurting my wrist, "Micheal let go of me, ow Mike your hurting me", I pleaded him to let go of me, "MICHEAL" I screamed as I slapped him round the face but that just caused him to bring his wolf canines through and growl at me, I didn't want him to find out about me but I needed his wolf to lose control and let Micheal take control.

I let my fangs grow as they make my strength better and I hissed at him, Pulled my wrist free and threw him to the ground, I started talking with my fangs still showing, "What the fuck Micheal, Whats happened to you, First you get pissed because I'm talking to Max, then you nearly break my wrist and not care about how much you were hurting me, I seriously don't know who you've turned into". I turned to walk away but he grabbed me.

"Sky, Your a vampire", I laughed, "Na you dumb-ass, did the fangs give it away", he just stared at me in disbelief. "Who did this to you, was it Max, it was wasn't it, I'm gonna kill him", I pulled him back and I let my eyes grow red, "You stay the hell away from Max if you hurt him I will kill you", he looked at me with shock and looked at my eyes.

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