Chapter 12 - Can Things Get Any Worse

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Early Chapters xx 


Skylar's P.O.V

My alarm went off at 5 and that meant I had school, I got changed into my running clothes and walked to Jayden's bed which was now moved into our room opposite side of mine, I was bored so I screamed into his ear, "FIRE!!!!!", he shot out of bed and noticed me sitting there with a smile on my face.

"Seriously Sky, couldn't you wake me up like a normal person would", I shook my head and told him to get ready, "WHY" nobody is ever able to get him up, He looked to his clock and glared at me, "Its 5:10, Do you seriously want me to fall asleep in homeroom", Again I shook my head, "Were going for a run", He looked at me then got out of bed to get ready.

I ran downstairs and got 2 bottles of water and put them in the cooler for when we got back, Jay came down the stairs and said that he was ready to go, about half an hour later we had run the pack grounds 5 times, Our times were getting a whole lot better.

"I'm going to go to the gym room, you coming" I asked him when I grabbed my water, He shook his head, "Na I'm gonna laze in the pool for a bit, What time are we in school today", I thought about it , "We start at 10 today", I said as I remembered the time, "OK see you later" he told me walking to our room.

I went to the gym and trained for a bit, I looked at the time 6:30am, I had a while but then I didn't know what to do, I got to the bathroom and before I took a shower I noticed that my hair was too long and my natural hair was showing through, I'm pretty sure I hadn't had it cut in like a year, I walked into the bedroom and saw Jayden falling asleep on the pool floater thing.

I laughed and laughed even more when he fell off of it and went straight into the water,He laughed and looked at the scissors and  hair-dye in my hands, "You doing your hair", I nodded and asked him if wanted his done, For some reason he was never able to dye it himself, last time he had done it one side of his head was a dark brown and the other was a lot lighter.

He said "Yeah", and we went into the bathroom, I cut his hair as he always had it and dyed it blonde, after his was done I cut mine and dyed it blonde and black. by 8:00 our hair was done and we were getting ready for school.

At 9 Max woke up and was rushing around to get ready, Scarlet was making out with Jordan and Micheal and Melody were getting Lilly ready for daycare since they were still in school.

We graduate this year so we only have like 5 months left, We finished our exams before we came back here, and that meant we were going to have fun for the rest of this year.

Me, Max, Scarlet, Jordan, Jayden and Jason were on our way to school, me and the guys on our bikes and Max and Jason in their new Ferrari F150, Max had the red and Jace had the black.

As soon as I took off the bike helmet people looked at me and started whispering, and to tell you it made me feel like I wanted to rip their heads off, My eyes started to hurt and Max contacted me through the link, *Calm down, your eyes are going black and red*, Shit.

I controlled my breathing and put my bag over my shoulder and walked into school with everyone still whispering. I saw Melody standing by my locker like she used to do holding three Starbucks coffees, She smiled when she saw me, I hugged her and I was happy that she didn't hate me, "I see you remembered Harry's, She laughed, "Well he did look like he was about to crash his car on the way to school because he was so tired", I laughed at that.

Turns out his new neighbors decided to have a kid that screamed like a banshee, We kept talking on the way to his class and I told her about the nurse thing and she told me a lot about what happened whilst I was gone.

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