Chapter 27 - Well Hello Again

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Hey you guys I know it's been nearly a month since I last updated, but I've just been really busy with school, Who knew that school would be so tiring!!!, Well here's another chapter and I hope you like it.

Skylar's P.O.V

The wolf was looking straight at us, but when it's eyes caught mine the wolf calmed down, I got out of the car despite Hunter's warnings and made my way over to the wolf, my eyes lit up and I smiled, the wolf shifted and there stood Alex, he pulled me in for a hug, "Hey cub how've you been", he said in a hushed voice, "I've been good, but why are you whispering", I said just as quietly, "there are others on patrol tonight, security's at its highest, Jason's gone mad I think, he hasn't be right since he returned from your brothers pack, and I hear that the vampires now has a future leader, who is also part werewolf and part God knows what else", he said smiling.

My happy mood went for a few seconds, but I put on a smile, "Well you heard right but it won't be official till I sort out my idiotic dad, who has growling competitions over the phone with another idiot".

"Speaking of idiots, Alex I want you to meet someone", I motioned for Hunter to come forward and when he stood next to me Alex growled, "You let a lycan enter our territory", for gods sake.

"No Alex I let my mate enter the territory, I have had enough of him fighting with my dad, so can you please, stop growling like a dog or the next time you shift there will be no fur on you", I said trying to stay calm, "I am only here to get a tattoo and then we will leave".

Alex stopped growling and but still looked a bit uneasy, "I'm sorry Sky but you know that I will have to inform Jason that you are here, If I don't he will kill me for letting wolves, and lycans past the border without letting him know, I don't know if he will want to talk to you, but I know how much you hate him an.....", he started rambling, before he could say anything else I spoke up.

"Alex, it's okay you can tell him that were here, I just need you to calm down, if he wants to talk, tell him to meet me at the parlour, I will be there for half an hour, no more than that, but make sure to tell him this, its a girl".

I hugged him one last time before getting back into the car and when Alex shifted we headed for the tattoo parlour.

"Sky are you sure that you are okay with him knowing that your here", Hunter asked gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles turned white, "yeah, I need to get things sorted out, I think that he was the one that tried to burn Lain's house down, if he was I need to know if he was the one that informed the humans of our location".

We parked the car and walked into the tattoo parlour to see that there was about five people there, and I don't think that they were there for tattoos, mostly because one if them was Jason, I fought the urge to not growl when he looked at me, but instead of growling his face remained calm.

"I heard that you said it was okay for me to come here and talk to you, I thought the first thing you would try to do is kill me", he said smirking but I know he was being serious.

I walked up to the counter and signed our names and wrote what we wanted done, "well so did I but we have some things to discuss but first, we are here to get tattoos, so it will have to wait for a bit okay", he nodded and me and Hunter walked into the tattoo rooms and sat there almost dying for a while, I think it would feel like this for humans, it felt like a needle jabbing me about a thousand times before it stopped.

Hunter grabbed my hand when we were done and I felt a bit of stinging from the new tattoo, he noticed this and put his hand on my waist and I walked out to talk to the asshole and his band of bitches.

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