Chapter 34 - You're going to have to do better than that.

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Hey guys, sorry for that late update but this chapter is going to be followed up by another one as soon as I can write it.


Skylar's P.O.V.

I pretty much ran out of that house and straight back home, well as much running as I could do without dropping Andy. How can he be back? Why did he even bother to come back here of all places?

Questions kept running through my head until I got back to the house, trying my best to keep them out of my head I got Andy his blood and waited until he fell asleep before I made myself some food.

Just as I was finishing my food along with a glass of blood my phone rang, "hello", I say as soon as I pressed answer, "Kylie, please listen, I'm sorry I just want to talk to yo...", I heard Samuel mumble down the phone quickly, "I don't want to hear it, leave me alone, please, please leave me alone", I say quietly as tears started to well up in my eyes again.

Hanging up the phone I tried to stop crying but I couldn't, the more I thought about what  he done the faster the tears streamed down my face. I slowly walked up to the bathroom and locked the door behind me.

(Trigger warning)
I didn't know what to do, the only thing that was going through my mind at this point was the memories of betrayal and the pain that came with it, "there is a way to get rid of the pain", I told myself when I looked into the mirror, my eyes were red and puffy and my eye makeup running down my face, "all you have to do is close your eyes and do it", a voice in my head was telling me.

"It's easy to do it, it will help with the pain, you know it will", the voice kept saying, am I going crazy, why am I hearing voices, the voice began to laugh, "it's funny to think that you don't even recognise your own voice", what? That's when I realised that the voice in my head was my own, "do it you know it will help, it's so simple just take the blade, and....well you know what to do next".

I debated against it until I began listening to my subconscious, it will help, I know it will, it has every other time, it's so easy as well. I picked up the razor blade and held it to my wrist, slowly sliding it across until I could see the blood, but I done something wrong, the blood wouldn't stop, I could feel myself getting weaker and black spots started to cloud my vision, that was the last thing I remembered.

Hunter's P.O.V.

I had smelt the blood before I heard the crash upstairs, jumping out of the car I got through the door and ran upstairs, I could hear Andy crying in Skylar's room and I got in there to find him alone, the scent of blood got stronger until I realised that it was Skylar, running over to the bathroom door I forced it open to find Skylar collapsed on the floor surrounded by a pool of her own blood.

"Skylar, Skylar please honey talk to me", I picked her up and ran out of the door to the car and quickly ran in to get Andy, slamming the doors shut I jumped into the car and sped to the nearest hospital.

"Please, someone please help me", I shouted as I pulled up in front of the emergency room doors, doctors ran out and got Skylar out of the car and onto a gurney, they ran her inside as I picked up Andy and ran in after them, he could tell something was wrong because he wouldn't stop crying until he fell asleep. What happened to her? What could have caused this to happen?

Realising that I had left my phone in the car I went outside to get it and began calling everyone starting with Max.

"You need to get to the hospital, now, it...its Skylar, she...she's lost so much blood a...and...and I don't know what happened, no it wasn't a hunter attack, yes I'm sure, she done it to herself", that was all I could say as I collapsed against the wall holding onto Andy as tears began crawling down my face.

Max's P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I could to the hospital to find Hunter having a breakdown, I took Andy into my arms and then helped Hunter into a chair, his shirt was drenched in blood and I could tell instantly that it was Skylar's.

Trying to find out what was going on took ages, "I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO MY SISTER AND I WANT TO KNOW NOW", I shouted at the doctor who wouldn't let me through to where Skylar was.

"Please clam down, it is to my knowledge that Skylar has had previous troubles with self harm, it seems that she took an attempt on her life earlier this evening or it may have been just an accident, but I am afraid that she will be in a medically induced coma as she has been seen as a danger to herself", the doctor began to tell me, by this point Harry had turned up and Hunter had calmed down enough to listen to what he was saying.

"In this coma it will give her body enough time to heal as well as enough rest, she will be woken in less than a week but we will have to go through some options when she wakes", with that the doctor walked out of the waiting room and went back into the room where they were holding Skylar.

Looking towards Hunter I began to ask questions, "what happened, do you have any idea what could have caused this", I asked impatiently, all he could do was shake his head, "where was she before this happened", I asked looking at Andy who was asleep in my arms.

"She went to dinner, with the woman she got Andy from, she's perfectly fine when she left I have no idea what happened", Hunter whispered as he sat back down, "do you have her number or any idea where she lives", I say quickly. "I have her number", he said and put the number into his phone and handed it over.

"Hello, is this Hannah", I say as soon as the phone connects, "no this is a friend of her husbands they're in the living room", someone said, "okay can you tell them to get to the hospital as soon as possible I need them here", I said as I heard him talk to someone, "this is Hannah may I ask who's speaking", Hannah asked quickly.

"Hi yes this is Max, I'm Skylar's brother, she's in the hospital at the moment and we need to know about everything that happened tonight is there any chance that you can come here so that we can ask you some questions", she said yes and I hung up to wait for them.

I called Harry afterwards and he turned up a few minutes later. Around half an hour later I saw the front doors opening and saw four people walk in, as they got closer I saw their faces clearly, and it seems that Harry did as well.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING HERE, YOU'RE THE REASON WHY SHE'S IN THIS PLACE TO BEGIN WITH AREN'T YOU", I hear Harry growl as he went over to someone our age pining him against the wall.

"I'm only here to see if she's okay", the boy said in quick breaths as Harry was strangling him.

"You're going to have to do better than that", Harry growled at him.

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