Chapter 3

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Exactly seven days, eighteen hours and thirty two minutes later, Ashlyn and her mum had drove to the next town and were now standing infront of Alan's house. "This is it." Her mum gushed as she presses the doorbell.

"Yippee." Ashlyn said flatly. She definitely wasn't happy but that doesn't stop her from worrying. Would Alan like her? Would his son accept them?

The door opened and Alan came into view. He was wearing the biggest smile Ashlyn had even seen that she wonders if it hurts. "Laura! You're here." He kissed Laura's cheek and then turned to Ashlyn herself. "Hello Ashlyn. Nice to meet you again." He hugged her awkwardly. "I hope you would feel comfortable in our home."

"'Sup Alan?" She gave him a half smile. Hey, atleast she's trying.

Alan gestured for them to come in while he gets their bags in Laura's car. Ashlyn gasps as she took in her surroundings. Alan's house was amazing. It was modernly designed with a humongous flat screen TV attached to the white living room wall and a hot red sofa that would be able to seat ten people or so. Not bad at all she thought to herself.

"It's lovely isn't it?" Her mum squeezed her shoulder.

"Meh, it's okay." She lied. As if she would admit that.

Once all of their bags were in, Alan showed them around the house. Just like the living room, his bathroom and kitchen wasn't bad either. Upstairs, he showed them the room for Ashlyn's mum. This took Ashlyn by surprise. She had expected that they'll be sharing a room. As if sensing Ashlyn's shocked expression, Alan scratched the back of his neck. "Your mum and I decided that we would only share a room once we're married so that you and my son would not feel...well, weird."

Ashlyn nodded. "And when is the wedding?"

"Maybe in two or three months." Alan replied and then looked at her mum adoringly. "Or maybe more. Depends on how fast the wedding planning is going to take.

"Where is your son anyway?" Ashlyn snapped the happy couple back to reality because she didn't think she could hold back her breakfast in her tummy any longer if they continued staring at each other.

"Right, my son. Come on." Alan led the way to a door that has a 'Do Not Disturb' sign. "Jaime! Come out." He knocked the door.

Ashlyn heard a groan from the other side of the door. Five seconds later, the door opened and a shirtless guy appeared. "What is it Dad-" Jaime stopped mid-sentence as his eyes landed on Ashlyn and her mum. "Shoot! One second." Jaime muttered before closing back the door. Must be trying to find a shirt or something, Ashlyn thought. When the door reopened, Ashlyn smirked because her assumption was right. Jaime did came back wearing a shirt this time. "Yes? What can I do for you, Dad?" He asked.

Alan pat his son's back. "Jaime, I would like you to meet Laura. The woman I told you about." He gestured at Ashlyn's mum.

Jaime extended his hand to greet her. "Nice to finally meet you Laura. My dad told me alot about you."

Ashlyn's mum giggled. "I hope everything he told you was good."

"Of course." He smiled which made Ashlyn groaned silently. What a suck up.

"And this young lady is her daughter." Alan pointed at Ashlyn.

Jaime nodded his head. "Hey."

"Hi." Ashlyn shrugged. "You can call me Ash."

Alan clapped his hands. "Alright. Now that everyone is introduced, let me show Ashlyn to her room." Alan head to the door opposite of Jaime's. "Welcome Ashlyn." He smiled warmly and turned the knob.

The moment Ashlyn stepped into the room, she was blinded by the bright colour theme. Her desk was pink. Her bedspread was pink. Her curtains were pink. Pink. Pink. Pink. And look! More pink.

"Well?" Alan looked at her expectantly. "What do you think?"

"I hate it." Ashlyn said honestly.

"Honey! Don't be rude!" Laura nudged her daughter's shoulder. "Alan worked really hard on it!"

"Oww!" Ashlyn winced at the pain that is coursing up her shoulder. "What did I do wrong? You always told me to be honest." She blinked innocently.

Laura wanted to yell at Ashlyn further but Alan stopped her. "It's okay Laura." He squeezed Ashlyn's mum's hand. "We'll change it tomorrow. No harm done."

"No need for that." Laura waved her hand as if dismissing that idea. "Don't trouble yourself. She likes it the way it is." She then faced her daughter. "Right, honey?" She asked through gritted teeth.

Ashlyn's face was contorted in disgust. "No I don't. I hate pink. I prefer black thankyouverymuch!" If she had to live here, she might as well get herself comfortable. No way in hell will she ever stay in a room fit for a dumb bimbo or something. "Sorry Alan. But I really don't like it." She shrugged.

"It's okay. It's my fault for thinking that every girl likes pink anyway. I'll get you a new bedspread later." He pulled Laura's hand towards the door. "Why don't I show you the basement now and let her rest?"

"Ouh okay." Laura nodded and let Alan lead the way. But before she went out, she gave Ashlyn the 'we'll talk later' look when Alan wasn't looking.

Ashlyn sighed heavily and lay down on her pink bed. It was just yesterday when she woke up on her old bed and talked to Bill. Now it feels as if her house was a hundred miles away when in reality it's just a two hours drive from here.

Ashlyn's thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a male voice. "My dad stayed up all night to set up your room, you know. You could at least thank him for his efforts."

Ashlyn got up from the bed and saw her future step brother standing at her door way. "I'll thank him later, James."

"My name is Jaime. Not James." He responded, annoyed.

"Jaime?" Ashlyn scrunched up her nose. "Isn't that a girl's name?"

"What?" He choked. "Who ever told you that? Jaime is a boy's name!"

"Really?" She cocked up an eyebrow. "I knew a girl whose name is Jaime in my old school."

"Well, Ash is a boy's name!" He backfired. "Hah! What do you have to say to that huh?" He crossed his muscular arms and smiled smugly.

"Ash is short for Ashlyn, genius." She rolled her eyes. She knew this guy for just five minute and he's already getting under her skin. How is she supposed to last any longer? "Is Jaime short for Jeremiah or is it Jaimelynn?" She teased and laughed out loud. "By the way, do you have an Iphone charger? I think I might have left mine back in my old house."

Jaime's face was already slightly red in anger. "You listen here woman. You can't just walk in here and humiliate me thinking-" He paused and took deep breaths in and out several times. "Look, I promised my dad that I'll behave so just please thank my dad later alright?" Jaime sighed dejectedly and left.

Ashlyn scratched her head. Does that mean he doesn't have a charger?

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