Chapter 7

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The final bell rang and Ashlyn was thankful that the day was over. It took all her might not to sprint out of the school at that very second. It feels like ages since the last time she ran. She went out of the school's exit and was surprised that Jaime was leaning against his car, looking directly at her. He had his arms folded, looking bored.

"Are you waiting for me?" Ashlyn asked once she stood infront of him.

"No, I'm waiting for the sky to fall." Jaime said flatly.

"Well, good luck with that." Ashlyn swung around and started walking. She was sick and tired of Jaime's attitude.

"Just get in the car, Ashlyn." Jaime called after her.

She swung back around, hands on hip. "Why? You made it pretty clear that you didn't want to be around me."

"Because." Jaime took a deep breath in. "My dad told me to bring you back. I would be in so much trouble if I came home alone. Now can you get in the damn car?" Ashlyn did not move. "Please?"

Ashlyn finally relented since he was being so polite. Not.

The car ride home was as silent as the car ride to school. Ashlyn was fine with not talking but apparently Jaime had a different idea. "I heard you got into a fight with Miranda Aspen."

Ashlyn looked at her stepbrother quizzically. "Oh yeah? Where did you heard that one from?"

Jaime shrugged. "From around." He said vaguely.

Ashlyn frowned. She didn't like the idea that people were talking about her. "So what if I did?"

"So you did have a fight with her? I thought those were just rumours." Jaime's eyes widened as he looked between the road and Ashlyn. "That's not very smart of you."

"Why? Do you have a crush on her or something?"

"No. Too vain for my liking." He shook his head. "But Miranda is a powerful girl. You do not want to mess with her."

"Oh, so now you want to look out for me?" Ashlyn said sarcastically.

"Why is it so hard to be nice around you?" His knuckles were turning white as he gripped the steering wheel harder. "Here I am, trying to make a civil conversation with my soon-to-be-stepsister but then she doesn't seem to appreciate it at all! She's all emo-ish and scary. Totally unapproachable!" He snapped as he drove the car into their garage and parked it.

Ashlyn was taken aback that she didn't even realised that they had reached their home until Jaime had unfastened his seatbelt and was opening his car door. "Which part of calling me scary is considered being nice? The last time I check, scary is a not a compliment."

"Get out of the car."


"I said get out of the car. I need to lock it." Jaime said, annoyed.

"Ouh. Right." Ashlyn unfastened her seatbelt and got out of the car. "I don't like you very much."

They continued their bickering even as they enter the house but paused when Alan cleared his throat. "Hello kids. How was school? Did Jaime treat you well, Ashlyn?"

Jaime answered before Ashlyn had the chance to do so. "Of course I did!" He said sheepishly and wrapped an arm around Ashlyn's shoulder. "Right sis?"

"He sure did." Ashlyn's said monotonously. "Jaime was just...peachy."

"Yep." He nodded. "I've showed her the classrooms and even ate lunch with her even though she can sometimes be very unbearable, annoying and even-"

"Isn't that enough, brother?" Ashlyn gave him a hint to stop the crap. Did he really think she didn't notice the part where he was purposely trying to get under her skin?

"No, no. I'm not done yet." He placed a finger from his free hand on Ashlyn's lips. "I introduced her to my friends so that she won't be lonely and also helped her carry her books. Don't you think I deserve a larger sum of allowance Dad?" He said to Alan.

Realisation dawned on Ashlyn. So this is what it's all about. More money for him. He didn't even deserve it! Ashlyn didn't even saw him in school for the whole day.

"Well, you have kept your promise so maybe you do deserve a higher allowance." Alan said.

"Wait, wait." Ashlyn held out her hands. Jaime's eyes narrowed and his muscular arm around Ashlyn's shoulder tightened as if to say 'don't even think about it' but Ashlyn couldn't care less. "Didn't you say that you wanted to find a job because you don't want to depend on your dad anymore?" Ashlyn blinked at Jaime innocently.

"Really son?" Alan looked at Jaime in mock surprise.

"Well...uh..." Jaime struggled to find a way out.

"I think it's a good idea! You would learn how to be independent. I don't even need to give you your monthly allowance anymore!" Alan said, clearly impressed. "I knew having Ashlyn around would have a good influence on you." He smiled and walked away proudly.

Ashlyn grinned. "Thanks Alan! And don't worry. I'm sure I'll be able to shape our dear Jaime here to be a responsible adult!" She called out. When Alan was out of hearing range, she shrugged off Jaime's arm instantly as if his touch burns her. "Nice try, loser."

Jaime buried his face in his palms. "I swear you're a devil sent out to ruin my life."

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Ashlyn asked.

He glanced up. "Are you asking for forgiveness?" Jaime seethed. Ashlyn shook her head in response. "Then no." He pouted.

"Please. Or I could just ask Alan for it, you know. I don't really need you." Ashlyn started to make her way to the kitchen.

"What?" He spat.

"Where's the nearest park? I need a run so badly." She stated desperately.

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