Chapter 48

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    There it was again. Silence. No one wanted to explain. Or rather no one knew how to explain.

"It's a long story." Max said abruptly, saving them all. "So long that... it should never be told." He finished lamely.

Ryan raised an eyebrow. "No kidding. It's a good thing I don't go to Empire High. I don't think I call handle all this drama."

Ashlyn's ringtone suddenly rang, signalling an incoming call. She took out her cell phone and saw Becky's name flashing on her screen. "I really need to go now. I've been gone for," She checked the time on her phone. "An hour. Becky might burst a vein if I don't show up soon."

"You left your friends for an hour?" Ryan clucked his tongue disapprovingly as if teasing her. "That's not very nice of you."

"Not as bad as leaving your..." Wait, where's Timmy? Ashlyn narrowed her eyes at Ryan. "Did you leave your brother somewhere again?"

"You brought Timmy along?" Max widened his eyes. "Dude, don't tell me you left him so that you could meet girls again!"

Ryan winced, rubbing the back of his neck. "Well, it's not exactly the best way to pick up girls with a six year old kid following you around. And besides, I handed him a ten dollar bill. He's probably busy playing games right now."

Ashlyn snorted. "Yeah, sure. Because the last time you left him, Timmy was so busy playing and not crying his eyes out at all." She spat sarcastically.

"Don't be an ass, Ryan." Max hit the back of Ryan's head, giving Ashlyn an idea on who was the older cousin. "Go and find Timmy now."

"Alright, alright." Ryan groaned. "But if I end up not having a girlfriend by the end of the week, it's on you." He said before waving them all goodbye.

Ashlyn didn't even wait a second longer after that before getting away from her school mates. She heard Max saying goodbye to them and then followed by his fast footstep, trying to catch up with her.

"You shouldn't be following me, Max."

"But I told you I have something to talk about."

"I can't right now. I really need to show up in front of Becky." She said just as her phone rang again. "It's probably her." Ashlyn took out her cell phone and was about to answer it when Max snatched it from her.

"Hi Rebecca." He said after pressing the green button and putting it against his ear. "Ashlyn is with me. Do you mind if I steal her for a bit?" Max kept quiet as he listened to the other line. "Yeah, sure. Thanks Rebecca." He ended the call and passed the device back to her. "All taken care of. Ouh and by the way, she told me to tell you to "have some fun". Whatever that means." He shrugged.

"Yeah, whatever that means." She said, pursing her lips. She was so going to kill her friend for reminding her about the talk they had earlier on.

"Come on, I want to bring you somewhere." Max took her wrist and pulled her with him.

"Please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking." Ashlyn muttered flatly, looking at the 80 metre tall contraption they were now standing in front of.

"What?" Max smiled toothily. "It's just a Ferris wheel. Don't tell me you're afraid of heights."

"I'm not but this," She gestured to the Ferris wheel. "This thing is boring!"

"How would you know if you've never try?"


Max placed his hands on both her shoulders. "For once, just shut up and follow me will you!"

"I..." Ashlyn sighed, shrugging his hands off her and making her way to the Ferris wheel line. "Just one ride okay?"

"That's all I'm asking for." He said, satisfied.

The Ferris wheel attendant ushered them in one of the cart. Ashlyn went in first and Max took the seat next to her, his leg brushing against hers in the process. She didn't know what to do. It's not like she could scoot away. There's barely any room left!

A few minutes later, they started moving. Their cart went higher and higher and she could see the whole carnival from up there. Forget that, she could even see their town. The city lights sparkled in the dark like millions of twinkling stars. "Wow." She breathed out, not taking her eyes away from the window.

"It's beautiful isn't it?"

"Yeah, it is." Everything looked so small and for a moment there, even her problems seemed so tiny as she let her mind wondered off.

Beside her, Max shifted in his seat. "Ashlyn?"

She tore her eyes from the window and gave him an expectant look. "What?"

Max wiped his hands on his thigh as he took a deep breath in. "I was wondering if..."

"Go on." Ashlyn urged, twisting her body to give him her full attention. He's been trying to ask her something all day so it must be important.

Max took another deep breath in. "I was wondering if you would go to the Senior's prom with me."

Ashlyn blinked at him. "Ouh."

"Ouh?" Max repeated, looking despondent. "I shouldn't have asked. It was a stupid idea."

"No, no." Ashlyn waved her hand frantically. "It's not that. It's just that..." She tried to find the words to say. "With what happened with Levi and all, I just don't think I should be there."

"Levi is not a child anymore." Max said with irritation, diverting his gaze to the view below them. "We shouldn't have to worry about what he feels all the time. He should suck it up and move on."

"I know but I don't want to be the reason for World War Three to happen during your prom!"

"That won't happen." His voice deepened as he slowly turned his head to look at her. "I won't let that happen."

Ashlyn saw the sincerity in his clear blue eyes and she instantly knew that Max meant every word that he said. She could rely on Max. Maybe Becky was right. Max would be the guy that won't disappoint her. That she should slowly, yet surely, open up to him. "Alright."

His eyebrows rose. "You'll go with me?" Max asked, sounding genuinely surprised.

"I'll consider it." Ashlyn ultimately said. She did say slowly.

Max chuckled. "I knew it was too easy."

The Ferris wheel came to a stop and the attendant opened the cart for them. Max jumped off, causing the cart to swing slightly. Ashlyn would have lost her balance and fell if Max hadn't caught her arm.

"Careful there." Max slid his hand down her arm and held her hand in his as he helped her out of the cart.

But that subtle move didn't made her stomach churned. It was the fact that he didn't let go even after they were both safely on the ground.

"There you are." Jaime ran towards them, slightly out of breath. "Where's Becky?" He searched around them when his eyes fell to their intertwined hands. "Oookay." Jaime started walking away backwards, looking slightly embarrassed. "I'm just gonna look for my other friends now."

"No, wait. Jaime!" Ashlyn called out.

"You two have fun." He shouted before turning around and running away.

Ashlyn sighed. Why does Jaime always leave her in times like this? She doesn't want him to get the wrong idea. She and Max are just friends. Who are holding hands. Well, atleast until she sort out her feelings. Maybe they could be more than that when the day comes.

"That's weird. Why do everyone keep telling you to have fun? " Max broke her train of thoughts "Want to grab something to bite?" He asked, raising his brow.

"Sure, why not?" She said. Where else would she go? All her friends are determined to leave her with Max anyway. 

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