Chapter 14

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Levi had been calling her all Saturday morning. Ashlyn was beyond pissed with his persistency. Her fingers itched to answer his calls just so she could curse him with all her might but she didn't want to give him that satisfaction. Not only was she bombarded by calls but with messages too.

Morning Ash!

Are u awake yet?

Why didn't u answer my calls? L

Ashlyn chose to ignore all of it, trying to make him think that she was still asleep and then maybe he would stop bothering her. Just maybe.

I know you're awake, Ashlyn. I called
Jaime and he told me you're awake. No
point lying. >:(

Ashlyn groaned to herself, hating the fact that she has a 'spy' in the house. She definitely needed to have a talk with Jaime about privacy soon.

What do u want? -.-

Finally! Hi J

Hi? That's all?

Hi Ashlyn J

I'm going back 2 sleep,Levi.

Are u free tonight?

Ashlyn thought about it for a while. She had planned to sleep throughout the afternoon and then maybe watch some DVDs at night.

I'm busy. I have plans.

Don't tell me u have a date with someone?

Maybe I do have a date.

U're lying. I can tell. ;)

Bye Levi.

Ashlyn activated her phone into silent mode and cuddled back under her covers before she fell back into a deep sleep.


"Knock, knock!" Jaime banged the door. "Wake up Ashlyn!"

Ashlyn groaned, pulling the covers over her head. "What do you want?"

"Your mum sent me to wake you up. She has something to ask you." Jaime said.

"Tell her I don't want to wake up." Ashlyn said.

"Why are you still asleep anyway?" Jaime asked. "It's three in the afternoon!"

"Go away!" Ashlyn spat.

She heard his footsteps leaving and smiled to herself. But seconds later, she felt a wet and cooling sensation on her head. Ashlyn jumped right off her bed, startled. "What the hell Jaime?!"

Jaime stood five feet away from her, holding a pail. "Your mum told me to do so." He shrugged.

Ashlyn's jaw dropped. "My mum told you to pour cold water on me?!"

Jaime rubbed the back of his head. "Well...she didn't exactly told me to pour cold water on you." He admitted. "But she did told me to do whatever it takes to wake you up."

Ashlyn clenched her fist and approached Jaime menacingly. "You little son of-"

"See you downstairs!" Jaime said hurriedly as he dashed out of the door.


After taking a shower, Ashlyn went to the living room grudgingly. Jaime and Alan were already there talking to her mum.

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