Chapter 53

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  Ashlyn waited till the very last minute to set her plans in motion. She was sitting idly with her teammates when the announcement she had been waiting for was heard.

"The 400 meter race is about to begin. All runners report to the starting line."

Ashlyn stood up and gave all her teammates a huge, confident smile. She started to make her way when she deliberately placed her right foot at the back of her left foot, making her loose her balance and fall. Although it didn't hurt her much, Ashlyn let out a loud shriek. "Owww!"

Within seconds, everyone from her team gathered around her. "Oh my God, Ashlyn! Are you alright?" Fiona tried to pull her up but Ashlyn discreetly pulled herself back down.

"I don't think I can stand." Ashlyn winced to make her lie believable. "My ankle hurts."

"What's going on here?" Coach Jenna squeezed through the circle her teammates had formed around her. "Where is Miller? She's suppose to be at the starting li—" She stopped short once she saw what everyone was looking at. "What happened?"

"I fell and I think I sprained my ankle." Ashlyn rubbed the supposedly sore spot on her feet.

Coach Jenna placed her hands on her forehead, pushing back her hair in distress. "Damn, what are we going to do now?" She muttered under her breath.

Ashlyn cleared her throat. "I guess we have no choice but to have Mindy fill in for me."

All heads turned to the red head. Her sad eyes a moment ago instantly lit up. "Let me do it. I won't let you down."

Coach Jenna let out long breath, not having the luxury of time on her side. "Okay. You head to the starting line right now."

"Yes, coach!" Mindy grinned widely before leaving them.

"Fiona, send Ashlyn to the first aid tent while I go talk to the officials about the change in runners." Coach Jenna ordered.

"Yes, Coach!" Fiona tried to pull Ashlyn up again and this time, Ashlyn let her. They walked to the first aid tent with Ashlyn fake limping her way there.

After Fiona left and while the paramedics wrapped Ashlyn's ankle with a bandage, she watched Mindy took her spot on the starting line. A serious look on her face as she positioned herself just before the sound of the horn. Mindy took off as if she was flying, leaving her competitors behind. Everytime someone tries to take over, Mindy sprinted even faster. Ashlyn's hands started getting sweaty when the finish line was nearing and two other girls were only a few feet behind. She had took a chance on her when no one would. Ashlyn prayed that she wouldn't regret it.

Just then a girl from Dakota High took the lead. Mindy was visibly getting out of breath. Her pace, while still fast, were slower than when she first started.

"Come on, Mindy!" Ashlyn murmured.

Mindy took a short glance to the side where the spectators were and Ashlyn knew she was looking for her mother. Looking for her mother to remind herself what she had worked for and Ashlyn knew for a fact that she did found her among the throng of people. The impact Mindy's mother had on her was obvious. Mindy's hand were clenched tighter, her jaw was set, eyes narrowed and her feet didn't disappoint. With a new wave of motivation, Mindy took over the lead and crossed the finish line in first place. The girl from Dakota High stumbled as she crossed the finish line in second place, feeling surprised that Mindy came out from nowhere when she thought she had the first place in the bag.

From across the track, the Empire high's team jumped up from their seats and cheered in victory. Coach Jenna threw her cap in the air as she joined her runners in the celebration.

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