Chapter 28

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The next few weeks, Ashlyn had avoided Levi in any way possible. Ignoring his texts, rejecting his calls and turning around when she sees him in the hallway. Did she felt good about it? Definitely not. Was it the right thing to do? Probably. Was it for the best? Yes.

"Are you and Levi fighting?" Jaime asked on a Wednesday morning.

Ashlyn choked on her toast she was having for breakfast. "Why'd you ask?"

Jaime took the seat opposite of Ashlyn on the dining table. "Levi kept asking about you. He seems a bit down lately too."

"We aren't fighting." Ashlyn said indifferently. "Everything is normal. In fact, I've been my normal self all week." And that was the truth. Being mean is a part of her. Being mean is normal.

"Well he thinks otherwise. He thinks you're mad at him for something. You better go talk to him and clear things up." Jaime said.

"Whatever." Ashlyn shrugged and picked up her bag pack. "Are you coming to school or what?"

"Yeah." Jaime sighed and headed towards the garage with Ashlyn following him. Inside the car, Jaime revved up the engine but didn't hit the pedal.

"Let's get going or we'll be late." Ashlyn whined.

"I want you to stop it, Ash." Jaime spoke sternly.

"Excuse me?"

Jaime turned his head to Ashlyn and stared at her with a grim expression. "I want you to stop hurting Levi. I know how insensitive you can be sometimes, Ash. You do things without thinking about others."

"What are you talking about?" She spat.

"Levi hasn't been focusing during our practices. He hasn't been himself all week! And everyone knows that only you can affect him in such a way. So for the sake of the water polo team, stop making him worry about you. Without his head in the game, Empire High will lose the state finals at the end of the year. Levi's one of our valuable players." Jaime said.

"And why should I care about the state finals?" Ashlyn scoffed.

"You're right." He nodded. "You're not a water polo player so you probably don't know how important the state finals is to us. But as his girlfriend, shouldn't you at least show some concern towards him?"

Ashlyn turned her head and looked out the window instead. She couldn't look Jaime in the eyes anymore. "This is my personal life. So back off."

Beside her, Jaime sighed heavily. Ashlyn was thankful he didn't say anything else but had shifted his gear and started driving.


Becky, Freda and Wilma were kind of giving Ashlyn the silent treatment. Only giving the occasional nods when she asked them a question. Ashlyn knew it was because of the whole Levi issue. They were against Fiona's plan from the very start.

"Afternoon ladies." Ashlyn greeted her friends as she sat with them during lunch time.

Her three friends gave her a small smile and continued eating their food.

"So Becky, have you done the Maths homework?" Ashlyn asked.

Nod. That's all she got from her usually talkative friend.

"What about you, Freda? Did you see the latest episode of Revenge?"


"Wilma, are you gonna nod your head at whatever I ask you too?" Ashlyn pouted.

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