Chapter 31

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"Ready?" Levi smiled at Ashlyn, pulling his keys out of the ignition.

Ashlyn glanced out of the window where hundreds of students were slacking around before class officially starts-the hundreds of students who are going to see them together. Ashlyn took a deep breath in. She had finally agreed to let Levi drive her to school and now she's starting to regret it. Ashlyn prayed that she hadn't made a mistake on this. "Ready." She nodded.

Levi went out, jogged to her side and opened the door for her. "Let's go." He said, taking Ashlyn's hand.

The moment she stepped out, all heads turned to them. Ashlyn literally froze as whisperings filled her ears.

"What is he doing with her?"

"They're still together?"

"She's been ignoring him for weeks. I thought they've broken up already!"

"Levi is mine. I hate her! What does he sees in her anyway?"

The last one was louder than the rest, making Ashlyn think that the source deliberately wanted her to hear it. Ashlyn whipped her head to the side and her eyes landed on a blonde head. Of course.

Miranda stood at the side with her arms crossed and a furious glare on her face. Her usual lip-glossed lips were pursed into a deep frown. If looks could kill, Ashlyn would have dropped dead.

"Ignore them." Levi whispered.

Ashlyn felt him squeezing her hand and tugging her towards the school's entrance. "Alright." She said and raised her head high, ignoring everyone's opened jaws. "Here we go."


The short walk from Levi's car to the entrance was enough time to convince Ashlyn that it was a bad move to let Levi drive her. Even if it wasn't, her friends were there to make her think otherwise.

"Oh my god! Oh my god!" Wilma squealed, fanning her face with her hands as if she was feeling hot. "What freaking happened while you were gone?" She asked as Ashlyn's three friends found her by her locker.

"Did that fever knocked some sense into you or something?" Freda teased.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." Ashlyn shrugged, faking ignorance.

"Don't you dare do this to us." Becky wagged her finger infront of Ashlyn's face. "You bloody well know what we're talking about."

"Okay, okay." Ashlyn sighed, closing her locker behind her. "I guess...I'm starting to see the good in him." She mumbled under her breath.

"Awwwwww!" Her friends cooed.

"Levi and Ashlyn sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G." Freda sang, poking Ashlyn teasingly as Wilma and Becky giggled.

"Shut up, guys." Ashlyn blushed.

"You like him, don't you?" Becky grinned. "For real this time?"

"Well...not yet." Ashlyn admitted. "But I'm willing to try."

"Awwwwww!" Her friends chorused again.

"But if you guys keep teasing me, I'm just gonna forget about it." Ashlyn threatened.

"Fine." Becky huffed. "I'm just glad you're finally doing what's right. See you during lunch then." She said, giving Ashlyn a hug.

"See you." Ashlyn hugged back and did the same to Freda and Wilma. She walked the opposite direction to her chemistry class once her friends had disappeared among the crowd.

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