Chapter 15

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"What are you wearing?" That was the first thing that came out of Ashlyn's mouth when Becky approached her on Monday morning.

Becky giggled. "Ouh, this old thing?" She gestured at the cape she was wearing. "I borrowed it from the drama club. Isn't it cool? I feel like wonder woman."

Ashlyn laughed. "Okay firstly, wonder woman does not wear a cape." She said after finally finding the strength to stop laughing. "And secondly, since when are you into theatre stuff?"

"I really need extra credit for my college application."Becky said drily. "And, obviously joining the track and field didn't work out well. So I decided to try the drama club!"

Ashlyn shook her head in amusement. "I hope that you'll have a great time then."

"Actually, the drama club is boring as hell. I don't understand all those Romeo and Juliet stuff. " Becky sighed, making Ashlyn burst out laughing again.

But her laughter was cut short when someone cleared his throat, making Becky and Ashlyn to turn around.

"Errmm...sorry to interrupt but can I talk to you, Ashlyn?" Max stood two feet away with his hands in his pocket.

"Sure." Ashlyn said hesitantly.

"I'll see you at lunch then." Becky giggled awkwardly. "I know when I'm not needed." She said before walking away.

"On behalf of Ben, I want to apologise for what he did-"

"Almost did." Ashlyn corrected.

"Almost did..." Max sighed. "...during the party. As team captain, I feel responsible for the things my team does on and off the field."

Ashlyn crossed her arms. "I could charge him for attempted rape you know. You should really teach your teammate how to keep his hands to himself."

"Ex-teammate actually." Max coughed.

"Excuse me?"

"I kicked Ben out of the team." He said matter-of-factly.

"What?!" Ashlyn spat. She knows Ben is an ass but she doesn't want to be the reason for him being out of the team. "Why?"

"What he did was unacceptable and I just couldn't have someone like that in my team. He deserved the punch you gave him." He shrugged as the school bell went off. "Got to go." He walked away in the opposite direction but then swung back around. "I'm also sorry for what I said during the party. You're not that annoying to talk to."

"Errmm...thanks?" She said, unsure on what to say to that.

Max nodded his head and continued his way to class.


Ashlyn entered her classroom just when the teacher was about to start his lessons.

"Late again Miss Miller." Mr Gordon said disapprovingly.

"Yeah, sorry about that. caught up with something." Ashlyn apologise as she took her seat.

"I assume this won't happen again?" He raised his bushy eyebrows.

"I'll try my best, Sir."

Ten minutes into the class, a paper ball landed on her table. Slightly annoyed, Ashlyn unfold the paper and read it.

I'm bored.

Looking around, Ashlyn scanned her classmates trying to find the sender. That's when she spotted Levi waving at her from two seats away. Rolling her eyes, she wrote back a response.

So? What do u want me to do? -.-

Ashlyn folded the paper neatly and threw it at Levi. The paper hit his head directly, making Ashlyn smile in satisfaction. Levi glared at her but then chuckled as he read Ashlyn's letter.

Entertain me.

Ashlyn gritted her teeth at his response. Does he honestly think that she was his personal puppet?

No way.

Please? :(

Don't disturb me. I'm trying to concentrate.

Why were u late just now?

Levi replied, ignoring her request. Ashlyn shook her head and tore the paper into pieces in slow motion. She could hear Levi gasped loudly.

"Is there something wrong Mr Hudson?" Mr Gordon, who had heard Levi gasped, asked.

"Nothing wrong, Sir." Levi said, giving him a half smile.

"Are you sure?" Mr Gordon probed. "Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm okay, Sir." Levi winced and rubbed his chest. "But I feel as if my heart has been ripped apart into tiny little pieces." He said dramatically. "Just like a piece of paper being torn." He looked directly at Ashlyn as he said that.

The whole class-except for Ashlyn-laughed at Levi's act.

"Very funny, Mr Hudson." Mr Gordon sighed before continuing with his lessons.

Few minutes later, another paper ball landed on Ashlyn's table again. Ashlyn clenched her fist, almost breaking her purple pen in two. She breathed in and out a couple of times to calm herself down before reading the letter.

That wasn't very nice.

I don't do nice.

You broke my heart. HAHAHA.

Ashlyn snorted. Broke his heart? Hah, yeah right!

Really? From what I heard, you're the one who's breaking girls' hearts and not the other way around.

Ashlyn threw the paper at Levi. He caught it effortlessly this time. Ashlyn wasn't exactly waiting for a reply but then when Levi didn't send back the letter, she felt not at eased. Turning her head, she glanced at Levi. Levi was leaning against his chair, staring at the paper with a frown. A wave of guilt suddenly hit her. Was she at wrong to say that? Everyone knows that Levi is the school playboy. Some even said that he had gone out with more than half of the female population in school. But was it true? When Levi unexpectedly glanced up, Ashlyn quickly whipped her head back to the front. She did it so fast that she could have sworn that she heard her neck crack. Even though she wasn't facing him anymore, she could still feel his stare burning a hole at the back of her head. The feeling stayed even after the class ended. Ashlyn hurriedly gathered all her books. She felt a presence behind her and a green apple cologne filled her nose. She didn't had to turn around to know who it was. She had smelt the same cologne when she danced with Levi at Ben's party over the weekend.

"Is that how low you think of me?" Levi whispered agitatedly from behind her. "I'm not who you think I am." Ashlyn shivered, feeling his minty hot breath fanning her ears. Levi then walked pass her, not even giving her a glance.

Another wave of guilt hit her at full force. "Levi, I'm -" She started to say but Levi had walked out of the door.

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