Chapter 6

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The thing about being the 'new kid' is that Ashlyn doesn't know where the cafeteria was. But when she did found it, she faced a whole new dilemma; where to sit? After getting a sandwich and an orange juice, Ashlyn sat at the only table available. For some reason, the students avoided that table. It's not like it's awkwardly located near a toilet nor was it dirty. Thoughts aside, Ashlyn started to unwrap her sandwich when Becky approached her with a terrified expression.

"What are you doing?" She half whispered and half exclaimed.

Ashlyn gave her an annoyed look. "Errmm...eating lunch?" She held up her sandwich.

Becky rolled her eyes. "I know what you are doing. What I meant is what are you doing this table. You are not allowed to sit here."

Ashlyn was about to ask why when a tray hit the table infront of her. Ashlyn looked up to see three pretty tanned-skin girls glaring at her. "Who gives you the right to sit at our table?" The one who slammed her tray demanded, getting the attention of everyone in the cafeteria including the lunch ladies. Great.

Becky muttered a 'sorry' to the girl who Ashlyn assumed must be the leader among the three but Ashlyn was unfazed by her outburst. "Your table? I don't see your name on it anywhere." Ashlyn pretended to scan every inch of the table. That earned her a few suppressed laughters from some students in the cafeteria.

Seeing that the rude bitch was fuming even more, Becky tugged Ashlyn's shirt. "Come on Ashlyn. You can sit at my table together with my friends. Just walk away." She pleaded.

After deciding that the fuming girl was not worth her time, Ashlyn gathered all her stuff and followed Becky to her table but trouble was far from over. The leader grabbed Ashlyn's forearm roughly causing the tray in Ashlyn's hand to fall. "Don't you walk away from me! I'm not done talking yet!"

Ashlyn looked at her fallen sandwich and the orange juice that was spilled on the floor. She could feel her own anger rising. She thought of every sinful words she could think of and was ready to use it on the girl, who was still gripping her forearm by the way, when Levi appeared.

"What is all this noise about, Miranda?" He asked the bitch. Then his eyes travel from Miranda's hand to Ashlyn's forearm until it finally landed on her face. "Angel?"

Ashlyn wanted to correct him because she hated it when people call her by her first name but then decided that she had other things that needs to be corrected. "Let go of my arm." Ashlyn said to Miranda calmly but firmly.

When Miranda didn't budge, Levi interfered. "Miranda." He warned. "Let go of Angel's arm."

Miranda pouted and said in a sweet voice, a way different tone she had used on Ashlyn earlier on. "But why? This girl here offended me! Do something about it, Levi. Please scold her for me."

Levi sighed. "And in what way did she offended you?"

"She...errmm...she..." Miranda deadpanned. "She sat at my table!"

Levi rolled his eyes after hearing Miranda's reason. "Is that all?"

"Isn't that a good enough reason?" Miranda wailed.

Levi ignored her question and instead repeated. "Let go of her arm, Miranda. Now."

"Fine!" Miranda released Ashlyn's forearm grudgingly. "But don't you dare show your face to me or I'll..."

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