Chapter 20

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The school hallway erupted into a mass of loud whisperings the moment Ashlyn stepped through the school entrance. This only confirmed what Ashlyn had expected. Of course everyone knew about her 'date' with Levi freaking Hudson! Her life was like a reality show ever since the infamous playboy took interest in her. Ashlyn scowled at everyone she laid eyes on as she made her way towards her locker, daring anyone to not look away.

And just to add to her already crappy day, she was greeted by the devil himself who was leaning against her locker. "Morning!" He smiled, lighting up his entire face.

"What are you doing here?" Ashlyn hissed and the whole hallway literally fell silent as if everyone wanted to hear their conversation.

"Waiting for you." He said it oh so casually like he hadn't noticed that half the school population were staring at them.

"You don't have to." Her hands flew in frustration. "Just go to your own class."

"But we have the same first period so I thought-"

"I don't care!" She tried to contain her voice but since everyone else in the hallway was silent, her voice still sound like it was booming. "I know how to get to class on my own so please..." She inhaled and exhaled to calm herself down because let's face it, she has anger management issues especially when the spotlight was on her. And the one thing she hates more than the colour pink was attention. "...please just get to class."

Levi nodded and leaned in close. "I'm sorry. I didn't know people would make such a big fuss about us." He said it so softly that even Ashlyn had to strain her ears to catch his words. Lifting his gaze away from Ashlyn, Levi frowned at the people who were gawking at them. "What?" He yelled at them and everyone visible flinched before they scrambled away in a rush. "Never seen someone having a conversation? Freaking busybodies all of you!" He cursed, making his way through as the crowd parted to give him way.


"So it's not true?" Becky asked in the cafeteria.

"Not you too!" Ashlyn groaned. "For God's sake, I am not dating Levi!" She hissed. So far she had been stopped by at least nine girls, asking her the same question. She swore their faces lighted up when she explained to them that Levi was very much not hers and was still single.

"Well, why not? What's stopping you? Because obviously he likes you." Wilma raised an eyebrow. Ashlyn glared at her in response.

"Okay, okay. We're just curious. That's all." Freda gave an apologetic shrug.

"Whatever." Ashlyn frowned. Looking around the cafeteria, she could still see people throwing glances at her while whispering profusely to one another. "You know what? I need a run. I can't take this anymore." She stood up and left her three friends dumbfounded.


Ashlyn had changed into her gym clothes and was now running around the empty school field. The adrenaline pumping in her legs and the rapid beating of her chest helped her to momentarily forget about her drama-filled life.

After about five rounds, Ashlyn stopped to catch her breath. Resting her hands on her knees, she took deep breath in and out to steady her heartbeat.

"Something bothering you?" A male voice startled her.

Whipping her head up, Ashlyn identified the owner of the voice. Max sat on the bottom bleachers with his arms crossed.

"How can you tell?" She asked.

Max chuckled. "You're sacrificing your lunch time just to go running." He pointed out. "No normal person would do that. So obviously something is bothering you."

Ashlyn gave him a half smile. "Spot on, Sherlock."

"Want to talk about it?" He patted the space next to him.

"Not really."

"Come on, Ashlyn." He rolled his eyes. "You must be tired after all that running. At least take a rest."

Ashlyn looked at him suspiciously. "Did Levi told you to talk to me?"

"No." He shook his head. "He doesn't know I'm here. And I promise not to pick a fight with you...for now." He smirked.

After a few seconds of contemplating with her own self, Ashlyn finally relented and took a seat next to Max.

"So spill it." Max nudged her.

"It's nothing to talk about." She fiddled with her fingers.

Max placed his hands over Ashlyn's, making her look at his concerned blue eyes that are staring at her intently. "Hey, I know we haven't been the best of friends but come on, tell me what's bothering you."

Ashlyn pulled her hands away from under Max's warm hand and cleared her throat, uncomfortable at the sudden contact. "Since you're so nosey..." She teased, trying to lighten up the awkward situation. "...It's about how everyone seems to want to know everything about my personal life! They just can't shut their mouths and mind their own freaking business! It's like I can't be seen going out with a guy without having the whole school know about it the next day. And I feel so frustrated at the lack of privacy that I just want to pull my hair out!" Her chest heaved up and down as she let out her anger.

Instead of being sympathetic about it, Max laughed, making Ashlyn huffed out in annoyance. "What did you expect? You've attracted the school's attention the minute you first step in Empire High with your Ice Queen attitude. You're the first ever girl to go against the water polo players-which I find really annoying by the way- and also resisted Levi's charms. Obviously people are curious about you."

Ashlyn crossed her arms and pouted. "Well, I still don't like it."

Max squeezed her shoulder in an attempt to comfort her. "Give it a few weeks. I'm sure the rumours about you and Levi would die down eventually."

Ashlyn groaned. "But I can't take another few weeks! I want it to stop now!"

"Well there's always another solution." He said, staring off into the distance.


"By proving the rumours wrong." He muttered. When Ashlyn remained silent, waiting for him to continue, he turned to face her so that their eyes met again. "By dating me instead."

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