Chapter 22

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"Okay for today chemistry lesson, I'm going to have you to partner up." Mr Harrison announced, holding a mysterious box. "I've written your names on a paper and they are all in this box I'm holding. I'm gonna call half of the students in this class to come up here and take a piece of paper. Whoever's name is on the paper would be your partner. No one is allowed to exchange partners. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." The class muttered.

"Good." He smiled. "First up is Heather Patterson."

The petite blonde--also known as one of Miranda's evil sidekick-- stood up from her chair and sticked her hand in the hat before pulling out a piece of paper. She unfolded the paper and her features instantly broke out into a huge smile. "Oh my god! I got Max as my partner!" She squealed and waved excitedly at Max, who buried his face in his hands.

"Errmm no, Ms Patterson." Mr Harrison squinted at the piece of paper in her hands. "There's been a mistake. You partner is Max C.not Max J.So please take a seat next to Maximus Collins."

Heather nodded her head meekly as her cheeks blushed furiously. Hanging her head low, she made her way to Maximus Collins. Ashlyn glanced back at Max and saw his shoulders visibly relaxed.

"Next is Rebecca Garner." Mr Harrison continued.

Becky did the same and unfolded the paper she had picked. Ashlyn had hoped she would be paired up with Becky but it wasn't her name that was written on Becky's paper. "Stewart Coy." Becky read it out and took a seat next to her partner.

"MaxJohnson, you're up next!" Mr Harrison emphasised on his last name, making everyone burst out laughing while Heather turned into a darker shade of red.

Max pushed back his chair and sauntered over to the teacher. He took out a piece of paper and unfolded it slowly. Ashlyn could have sworn every female in that room held their breath, hoping it would be them that get to partner up with Empire High's water polo captain. Max eyes scanned the paper and smirked in a devilish way before reading it out loud. "Ashlyn Miller."

Ashlyn choked on her own saliva, breaking into a coughing fit. "Wh-what?! Mr Harrison, maybe I can -"

"Sorry Ms Miller." Heheld up his hands. "You know the rules. No changing of partners. Please take a seat now Mr Johnson."

Max nodded and his smirked widened as he sat next to Ashlyn. "Hey partner." He said casually, clearly enjoying Ashlyn's distress.

"Shut up. I'm trying to concentrate." She scowled. Key word, trying. It's kind of hard to concentrate on what the teacher was saying when the jealous girls in your class are throwing daggers at you with their venomous eyes.

"You should consider yourself lucky, you know." Max stated smugly.

Ashlyn whipped her head at him so fast that her hair accidently slapped his face, making Max winced. "Please." She snorted. "The only reason why I'm still seated next to you is because we can't exchange partners."

"Come on, I'm not that bad right?" Max chuckled. "At least you don't have to be stuck with some weirdo."

"You're a weirdo in my eyes, Max." Ashlyn rolled her eyes.

"Shut up." Max muttered. "What I meant is a weirdo like that guy." He pointed to Stewart Coy, Becky's partner.

Becky looked like she rather be anywhere else than there and Ashlyn really didn't blamed her. Stewart is weird. Likepicking-your-nose-in-publickind of weird. Ashlyn scrutinised Max for a whole minute and shrugged her shoulders helplessly. "I guess you'll do then." She sighed.

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