Chapter 19

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   "I was just joking!" Ashlyn said to Levi. Levi was standing in front of her locker, apparently ready for their non-existent date. "I only said that to help you escape from Miranda."

   "So you didn't meant what you said yesterday?" Disappointment was the only word to describe his face at that very moment.

    "I'm sorry, Levi. But nope." Ashlyn shrugged helplessly. "I think you misunderstood me yesterday."

   Realisation dawned on him as he nodded his head dejectedly. "No, its okay. It's my fault. What did I expect right?" He stuffed his hands in his hoodie's pockets and sighed. "Have a nice day, Ash."

   "You too." She gave him a half smile.

   Levi walked away like a lost soul towards the exit with his head hung low. "Of course she wouldn't go out with me. How stupid can I be?" Ashlyn heard Levi muttered to himself.

   A nagging feeling filled her head. 'Should I go for it?' Ashlyn took a step towards the retreating Levi. 'But what if he thinks I actually like him?' That thought caused her footsteps to seize. Ashlyn rested her forehead on her locker and breathed out in frustration. Having a battle with your own self is much harder than battling with someone else. A high pitched giggle interrupted her thoughts. Turning her head around, she saw Miranda whispering something to her sidekicks. Heather and Carla then cackled uncontrollably as they all sneered at her. Controlling her anger as best as she could, Ashlyn pushed herself off her locker and straightened her clothes before catching up with Levi.

   "Hey Levi. Wait for me!" She called out loud enough to make sure Miranda heard every word she said. Right on cue, the cackling stopped almost instantly.

   Levi skidded to a stop and swung around. "Huh?" A confused expression plastered on his face.

  Ashlyn tugged on his arm. "Come on! I'm hungry and I'm dying to eat!" She chirped.

  "Are you serious?" He looked at her warily. "You're not joking this time right?"

  "Of course not! But this is just a friendly date so don't get your hopes up."She waved her hand dismissively. "Now let's go before I change my mind."

  Levi's lips quirked upwards, grinning as if he won the lottery. "Shall we?"

   Ashlyn nodded her head hesitantly. "Su-sure."  There were still doubts in her mind because she was sure more rumours would spread if people see them together but it all vanished when she glanced at Miranda's scowling face. Not forgetting that there was also an uneasy feeling in her heart at the fact that she's using Levi as a way to get revenge on the Queen Bitch but her satisfaction overpowered her guilty conscious at the moment and Ashlyn decided to just go with the flow. "So where are we going?"


   "An arcade?" Ashlyn gave Levi her 'are you serious?' face. "I told you I'm hungry and you brought me to a freaking arcade?!" She grumbled just like what her tummy was doing right then.

   Levi gave her a lopsided smile and a mischievous glint twinkled in his hazel eyes . "Trust me, you're going to be eating alright."

   "Eat what?" Ashlyn asked, looking around the mall's arcade filled with game addicts. "In case you haven't noticed, this isn't exactly McDonalds."

   "What I meant is... you'll be eating my dust when I beat you in a racing game!" Levi laughed as he pulled Ashlyn by her hand, further into the arcade.

  Ashlyn scoffed. "Oh it's on, pretty boy! We'll see who would be eating whose dust!" She challenged as she let him pull her to the stationery motorbikes.

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