Chapter two

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"Goodmorning,Sweetie!" Mrs.Williams greeted me as I walked into the library. She is like a mother to me. Or well more like a grandmother,but I think she loves me more then my own mother does...

"Goodmorning,mrs.Williams!" I greeted back,and gave her a smile. Her brown eyes showing so much love,and care. Her grey hair was in a ponytail and she looked really cute in that hairstyle. Her hair was pretty long so it made her look gorgeous!

"Jessica,I've told you to call me,Martha!" She said,playfully swinging her arms up,and a small frown forming on her forhead. She shook her head.

"Sorry...Martha." I said and smiled at her playfully back. I earned a smile and her frown disappeared.

I chuckled and looked down at the floor,as I walked into the private area. Where only the workers are allowed.

I opened the brown door that led into the changing room,only to see Katherine,changing. She stood there in her black bra and a pair of black skin pants. When she saw me her face turned from normal to disgust. I directly looked down on the ground.

Katherine works here,because her father is the owner of this library. She hates to work here,but yet,she still does. And she hates me...I don't like her either,but I would never bully someone for it...

She has blond,perfect straight hair,plump lips that's always shiny. Long eyelashes that doesn't even look real. Blue eyes,that look like two diamonds . Small body,nothing to big or small. Her boob's are perfect,round and perfect for her body.

Mine...I have black wavy hair...medium lips,not to big but not to small...I have black and long eyelashes,but her's are much more prettier. I have a small waist,my hips are pretty big,and makes me look like a hourglas,my boobs are big and too big...


"What are you looking at?" She growled at me. I didn't even notice that I was looking at her...

"Oh-I-Im sorry!" I apologized fast and looked down,going to my locker. I opened my locker and took out the black apron that hung on a hook. I looked at the side of the locker...I had some pictures of me,my mom and my dad.

I was like 5 or 6. My dad held me in his arms,while holding my mom in her hand with his other.

I loved my dad. I look a lot like him...I have his black hair,his brown eyes and his nose. Pretty much everything. I don't look like my mother one bit.

But I broke out of my thoughts as the locker closed with a harsh slam in front of my face. My eyes closed and opened fast,and I saw Katherine standing in front of me,her hand on the locker. Her eyes traveling down my body,and my face before opening her glossy lips to say something."you really are ugly." She said,as it was the most casual thing to say.

Her face serious and her eyes looking straight into mine. Her blue eyes pushing into my brown ones. And with that she walked out of the room. I heard the door open and then close. And that's when I let out the breath I had been holding in. And let the tears out...

I sprinted to the bathroom,and locked the door. I sat on the toilet,crying...

I took out the small razor blade I had hidden behind my phone case. I pulled up the sleeves of my sweater,and placed the blade on the exposed skin. I took a deep breath before I pushed the blade on the skin,as hard as I could.

The blood flushed out in a second,from the deep cut. I took the razor away,drying of the blood with a piece of paper. I took more paper and dried the blood off of my arm. When I had stopped the bleeding I pulled down the sleeves. I flushed the bloody paper down in the toilet,wiped away my tears and put on a fake smile...


All good again!


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