36. "It Don't Matter If You Win By An Inch Or A Mile. Winning's Winning."

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"Good morning,handsome

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"Good morning,handsome." A angelic voice that I knew too well was heard in my ears...


I opened my tired eyes,and I saw Jessica,in a white night gown. She stood in the doorway,with a tray in her hands. I could smell the egg and bacon,making my mouth water.

"Good morning,angel." I greeted back. My dark morning voice taking over my usal voice.

She walked towards the bed and put the tray down besides me,and sat down. Making the tray in the middle,between us.

"How are you? You sore or are you okay?" I asked her. We had sex for the first time yesterday...and it was awsome! I've never had such a great sex as I had with her. Not that I had much sex with many woman...but yeah,she's diffrent. I love her. With all my heart.

"I'm pretty good,actually...I've been thinking." She said,as I took a sip from the orange juice. I furrowed my eyebrows and hummed,as a 'go on'.

"Could we maybe go and watch a movie? I mean since it's saturday,and if you'd want to-" She babbled. I cut her off with my answer. "Yes we can. What movie do you want to see?" I said. Her brown eyes light up,and her smile could make you fall to your knees in one second...

"I would want to watch "fast and furious 1!" She said happy. I chuckled at her suggestion. I've never seen that movie so why not.

After I ate my breakfeast,we got ready for the movie theatre. I put on black ripped jeans,a white t-shirt and some black sneakers. Jessica had a white long sleeved sweater,black leggings and black sneakers. She loocked incredibly cozy and hot at the same time...

We got into my car,and we drove to the theatre. After about,20 minutes we were at our destination.

"What do you want,angel?" I asked Jessica. We stood in fromt of the girl in the chasier,and we were going to buy some candy or popcorn. "I want a medium popcorn and a orange soda,please." Jessica said. The girl in the chasier just stood there and looked at Jessica,with a judging face...I could feel my blood begining to boil. But before I could say something,Jessica did...

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