37. "And I'll never leave you..."

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I could feel someones hands grab onto my shoulders on the side of me. And I knew that,that wasn't Lazar. So without even thinking twice,my elbow found the persons face,and I turned around and kicked him or she,right in the stomach.

"Jessica! It's okay,it's just a suprise!" I could hear Stephen's Voice,to my right side. Lazar stood behind me,and my hands found my mouth as I could see who I just kicked the shit out of...

On the ground in front of me,a groaning Leo,laid on the ground,holding onto his nose and...balls...



"I'm so sorry Leo!" I appologized,as I helped him up onto his feet. "Damn,you can fight...just...don't aim for my balls anymore,capish?" He said,making the whole crew that stood behind me chuckle.

I turned around and I could see the whole crew standing there. Presents in their hands,cakes and flowers.

"Lazar? What's all this?" I asked him. I turned around and he stood there with the biggest smile on his lips. My cheeks turned red,and I looked anywhere but at him...

"That's our cue to leave. I love you,and be...safe." Stephen all of sudden said as he kissed me on my cheek. As he said,Safe,he looked at Lazar and winked with his eye...


I just stood there like a dumbass,confused. Why are they all leaving?

As Leo was the last one to walk out,Lazar locked the door,and turned his fully attention to me...again

"W-what?" I asked nervous...his eyes looking into my own with such a big lust...

"Now I can do whatever I want to with you..." he said,with a dark voice. He took small steps towards me. His hands on his sodes,his eyes dark...and hungry. I just stood there. Until I could feel his hot breath fan over my face...

His hands came behind my back,pulling me closer to him so our lips met each others. His tongue explored my mouth once again,and a moan escaped my lips. My hands found his hair,and I brought my fingers through it. A groan of pleasure escaped his lips.

We broke the kiss and Lazar took my hand and brought me up stairs. Into the bedroom. Lazar's lips found mine as he pushed us down on the bed. He's laying on top of me,his legs stradling me.

His hips grinded down on my private part,making me moan and squirm. His hands found mine,and he pinned them above my head. I melted at his touch...at his svent and at his groans...everything about this man is...perfect.

"Please take it off!" I begged under his lips. I gestured at my clothes. He chuckled and did as I begged him to...leaving me naked. Full on dispaly for him. For my man.

My girl is laying underneath me

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My girl is laying underneath me. Naked. Waiting for me to give her the pleasure that only I ever will give to her.

Her brown eyes begging me to give her what she wants. Her breasts that is so perfect,her curves. Everything. Her scars...her scars that's showing me how much of a hell she's been through. She's a fighter. And I love her. All of her.

In one quick motion I took off my clothes. I turned us around so that she was on top of me...I want to try something diffrent. Can you blame me?

She looked down at me in shock. She's never been on top,of course. This will only be the second time we have sex...

I turned my attention to the night stand that's besides the bed,and pulled out a condom. I opened it with my teeth,and put it on my extreme hard dick...just waiting to feel her again.

She smiled and with out a warning she put it in. My hands grassped onto her hips,and her hands on the top of my chest. Our moans met eachothers,and so our motions.

"O-Oh!!" Jessica moaned out loud. I could feel myself only growing harder,and harder at her noises...

Time flew and before I knew it she was coming,hard. And not long after I came too. I pulled out after we came down from our high,and threw the condom away.

Jessica rested her head on my chest as I stroked her back with slow motions...her breathing calming down and begining to get more steady.

"Thank you..." she whispered as her hands traced the big dragon I had tattooed on my right arm. "Why you saying thank you?" I asked. She looked up at me and kissed me on the lips.

"For being with me and...not leaving me." She said. I kissed her back once again and hugged her small body against my own.

"And I'll never leave you..."

I AM SOO SORRY FOR THE LATEST CHAPTERS!! I've just  lost my motivation so much

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I AM SOO SORRY FOR THE LATEST CHAPTERS!! I've just lost my motivation so much...but don't worry! It'll come back,this happens sometimes(as you've noticed)😅🥲

Love you!❤️

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