Chapter twenty-four

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"Jessica,baby you gotta stay awake for me!" I said to Jessica who's about to pass out. A big pool of blood is laying around her leg. I can feel myself feel a little sleepy...if Shawn and my men don't find us soon we will die in here. And I will not let Jessica die beacuse of me. Not a chance.

Lazar's past*

"Im in boss. I will contact you in one hour." Stephen said to me through the hidden micke in his ear. "Good." Was all I said and now we could only wait for him to hack into their server and give us infomation.

"Shawn,Bennet come here." I commanded to them. Both Shawn and Bennet came towards me. We stood in the hallway to the left side and the right side of the mansion.

"I need every information detail of Eric. Dig as much as possible. I want to know what he's wearing to what he ate this morning,you got it?" I demmanded.

"Yes boss." They said in unision,and walked to their stations. I took a deep breath before I walked out of the mansion and to my car. I am supposed to go and see my parents...they need information so they can contact other mafia's for help.

I drove from the mansion and to my parents house. Even if they don't live in a super big house and stuff it doesn't that have to mean that they aren't powerful or don't have power.

Everyone has secrets.

I parked outside the house and knocked on the door two times before I walked in. I could see my mother and father in the kitchen,talking to eachother around the table.

"Hey." I said. They turned their head's towards me and gave me a smile and hugged me.

We sat down around the table and began to talk.

"Alright,I have contacted James Mafia. He will help you with this,and so Jones. They all are on your side. No one likes Eric,since he has been murdering people from every mafia around us. They will contact you in a few hours." My father explained as he gave me a piece of paper with coordinates on.

"This is the coordinates that Eric has. Use them with caution!" My father warned me. I nodded to him and took the paper and put it in my pocket. I looked to the side where my mother was.

"I've contacted your uncle. He will also be here in a few hours. How long before Stephen's done?" She asked. "Two hours max. And that's when we're going to attack. Once he got the information we will hit." I said with a stone cold face. I just want this bitch dead. Nothing else.

"Good. You can go,that was everything we needed to tell you-for now!" I smiled and hugged them and said a thank you. They are life savers.

"Son..." my dad's voice behind me said. I turned around as my hand was on the door knob.

"Be careful."

I walked out of the house and into my car. Only a few hours left and then we can go.


The thougts in my head was everywhere. I just need to get Jessica out of here safe. I don't care about me. Only her. Since the day I laid my eyes on her I knew that I won't be able to let her go. I will always watch over her,protect her and be there for her.

I opened my tired eyes and looked at her. Her eyes was closed and blood was coming out of her wound. I looked at my shoulder. The same thing on that one. Blood coming out. I could feel my eyes getting heavier and heavier by the seconds that passed. If I die I will promise her that I will be here for her...

"J-Jessica?" I asked. My voice shaky and weak.

I could still see a little but not much. Her head slowly turned up,so our eyes locked with each others. "Y-Yes?" Her tiny voice echoed through the cold and empty room.
"I-I will p-promise you that I-I will never let you go. B-But if anything happens t-to me..." I took a deep breath,as it was hard to breathe.

"You have to move on. You w-will find someone who...who loves you just as much as I-I do...I love you,J-Jessica." I said. Everything I just said was the truth. I felt my eyes close and all the sound block out.

I am going to leave her alone...

I am going to leave her alone

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