Chapter six

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"One black coffe,no sugar." I told the cashier as I ordered a coffe. I am on my way to work,to my commpany. And I already know that this day won't be a good one...

I've already got 5 meetings before 10 AM. And it's 8 AM now...

I sighed quiet to myself as I waited for my coffe. My phone in my hand waiting for Shawn to call. I was going to have a meeting with him too.

Shawn's one of my bestfriends. And he's helping me in the commpany.


To own a big commpany can suck actually all the time.

"Here's your coffe sir." The girl with brown hair and brown eyes broke me out of my thoughts. I grabbed the coffe and paid for it. As I walked out of the café I saw something intresting...or should I say someone...

The girl from the library. Jessica.

She was walking outside the cafe with a bag on her back. The same clothes as before...


I walked out of the cafe and walked towards her,the coffe still in my hand. Her back was turned to me so she didn't see me coming.

I tapped my finger on her shoulder,making her whole body jump and a little scream escape her lips. She turned to me,her hand coming up to her mouth to hide more sound from it.

"Im sorry. I just saw you,and was going to ask you what you're doing here?" I said,a smirk on my lips as I looked at her. Her black wavy hair and her brown eyes.

She looks beauti-


It's wrong.

She took her hand away from her mouth. Her tired eyes looking into mine and a small smile peeking up her own lips.

"Oh-I-I was just looking for a place to stay..." she said quite,and looked down at the ground as the last words escaped her lips.

A place to stay?

"A place to stay?" I repeted my thoughts and her words. She looked at me with an embaressed face.


" You don't need to feel embaressed!" I tried to ensure her. I don't want her to feel embaressed around me...

Stop,you've gotten all soft now?


Her big brown eyes looked at me. She was still a little bit unsure around me. I could feel it. I raked my hand through my black hair. Im sure it's messy now. Oh well!

"Okay...well I should keep going. I really need to find something." She chuckled. She's trying to make her situation a joke...

She looked down at the ground. Silence filled our conversation.

I cleared my throat making her look up at me through her black,long eyelashes. I pierced my green eyes with her brown ones. I tried to make our eyeconntact stay. But she looked down again.

"I have a place where you can stay. For free." I said. She took her head up fast at my words. Her eyes light up like a kid on christmas.


"For free? B-But why for free? How come?" She asked. A confused look appering on her face. I couldn't help but to smile at her cutness.

She's inoccent.



"Yeah,well I own a pentahouse not far from here. I never use it,but everything you'll need is there. But well when I said free,I did lie..." I confessed. My eyes still looking into her's.

"So...what's the cost?" She asked me again. I smiled to myself at the thought that's been flying in my head for a while...

"go out with me. On a date."


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