Chapter eight

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We pulled up in front of a really big pentahouse. Or should I say my home! This is fucking amazing! I looked out through the window,looking at the birds and butterflies flying.

"Miss. We're here." Kevin said,as he opened the door. I stepped out and looked around me. You could see the whole freaking London from here!! Wow!...

"Here's you luggage. Have a nice day,miss!" Kevin excused himself and drove of.

I swallowed the saliva that I had in my mouth and began to walk to the door. I looked down at my bag,and saw the keys on the side pocket of my bag. I took them out and put the key into the key hole on the big black door. When I turned the key,a sound clicked. And the door was open.

I pushed the door open and my eyes were blessed at the sight in front of me! There was a big hallway with gold theme on the walls,a white stair case,mirrors,paintings on the walls. A big closet on the right side of the hall. A big gray carpet on the white,wood floor.


I closed the door behind me. It closed with a 'click' sound. I locked it too. I want to be on the sure side...

I dropped my bag on the floor as I continued to take a look at my new home...

After about  a good 30 minutes of just looking in everyroom in this house,I got thirsty. I walked down the big,white stairs,and into the kitchen. I looked out through the window. The sun is so bright and warm.

I looked at the clock that hung above the big grey,wooden table.

9:38 AM

I yawned and realized that I haven't sleept at all, all night! I walked around the city mostly all night...I could sleep pretty many hours. I think I should do that...

I opened the fridge and took out a water bottle. I opened it and took a big chug. I closed the fridge and walked up the white stairs once again. I looked around in the big bedroom...

The creamy,white curtains on the windows,the big bed that had white and grey theme on it. The big white carpet on the floor and the crystal lamp that hung over the bed.

I am in heaven...

I sat down the half full water bottle on the bed side table and laid down in the soft bed. I closed my tired eyes and let the birds singing outside the window sing me to sleep...

I woke up with my phone buzzing like crazy on the pillow besides me. I rolled to the side and looked who texted me. My mother.

✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now