40. Mother...

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I woke up at the sound of my phone buzzing like crazy

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I woke up at the sound of my phone buzzing like crazy. I turned my body towards the night stand,and opened my eyes. As I saw the name on the screen I took a deep breath...


I looked behind me at Lazar. He sleept like a baby...his dark hair laying over his forhead,his dark eyebrows suiting his powerfull face so good...and his straight nose so perfect on his face.

I looked back to the phone that was still buzzing. So I decided to answer. I picked the phone up,as I rose from the bed and walked out of the room. But I was still naked though...

"Hello?" I said in the phone as I answered. I could hear mother's breathing on the other side. "Mother,if you're going to call me you need to speak too." I said. She cleared her throat and began to speak.

"Jessica...can we please meet?" She said. Her throat dry and cracky. I closed my eyes and my other hand found my temple. "Fine...meet me at the cafe where we used to go,in 1 hour." And with that I hung up.

I took a deep breath as I let my thoughts wonder...

What does she want now? After all this weeks and years,she wants to talk now!

Everyone deserves a second chance...

Not her...

Yes she does.



After a hot shower and sometime after fixing my hair a little bit,I was ready to go,but was stopped when Lazar came into the bathroom. Our eyes met and a smile came up on our lips.

"Where you going?" Lazar asked me,his morning voice deep. "I'm going to medt my mother...but I'll be back in one hour! I promise." I said as I cupped his cheek and kissed him on his lips. He hummed and kissed me back.

"Not more then one hour...soon to be wife..." he said and smiled down at me. Butterflies erupted at those words...



"I'm here!" My mother's voice could be heard in my ears as I walked into the cafe. I turned my head and saw her sitting around a 'two' persons table. I swallowed the salavia I had in my mouth and walked over to her. I sat down and our eyes met with eachother's. She gave me a small smile and I gave her one back.

"Where have you been all this time?" She said. Her blue eyes a little red,dark bags under her eyes and her hands shaking a little. At least she's sobber...

"I've met someone. And we're getting married in a few weeks." I said. Her face got pale and she looked...sad?

"Oh...t-that's great! What's his name?"

"Lazar. Lazar Brazier." I said. Her smile disapeared and fear took over her face.

"Y-you mean the mob boss!?" She said a little too loud,making some people turn around and look at us. I cleared my throat and nodded my head.

"Jessica...he's not a good man-" I cut her off.

"No! You do not get to do that! You can't just come into my life as a 'mother' after all this years and just act all of sudden. We both know that you're just after one thing...money and alcohol." I said. She looked down at her hands and swallowed.

"I've been sober for 4 weeks now...and you're right. I'm not a good mother. God,you can't even call me a mother...b-but I got into a rehab center. And I've been sober since then,I promise...so please,please Jessica! Let me try to be there for you...only one chance..." she said. Tears threatend to escape her eyes,and mine too. She's my mother after all...and I can't just leave her...not like she did to me. I'm not like her.

"You know...I used to cut myself all day. You didn't buy food,so sometimes it went more then two days for me without eating...and when I thought that my whole world was over,I met Lazar...he's my saviour and I will forever be grateful for that." I took a deep breath,

"And I don't know if I can trust you...but I will give you one chance. And if you screw this one up,I won't give one more. Got that?" I said. My finger in the air towards her. She had the biggest smile on her face,and before I knew it her arms were wrapped around me...

I hugged her back...and I know that she's really new on this...but everyone deserves a second chance,if they shows that they want it. And I...trust her.

For now...


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