*bonus chapter*

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Lazar's POV

"Jessica you need to push!"

"I'm trying,for fucksake! But...It's to heavy!" Jessica yells at me as we try to carry our new kitchen table into our kitchen.

"Alright,let's take a pause." We put down the table,and she lets out a big sound,out of discomfort and stretch her back. Her baby bump is now showing a little and she's so gorgeous...

"I'm so tired! I can't belive that we even could carry that whole thing in here. Why couldn't you just call Shawn or Stephen,or like someone?" She raise her voice. Her pregnancy hormones is catching up pretty fast and let me tell you...she's like a hungry Lion all day long...

"Baby,I just wanted you and me to do something together," I walk towards her and grab her by her shoulders,carefully. "I think that we've been so caught up in this pregnancy and not been thinking about ourselfs." She nods and I kiss her lips. But just as I do,the door opens and in comes all the boys,the whole group.

"Hey! What's up?" Andre asks as they all look at us and confused as a brand new table is standing in the way. We pull apart and Jessica and I giggle at their faces.

"We bought a new kitchen table,and we tried to carry it inside,but this little...-" she points towards her bump,"-Is in the way and it's getting pretty heavy!" All eyes falls on her baby bump,and you can see their as soften. Stephen walk towards her and pull her into a hug and kisses her cheek.

"You made her carry a fucking table Lazar?!" Shawn says with his eyebrows held high on his face.

"Wow,nooo!" Jessica saves me."We just wanted to do something on our own,and he's never made me do something I wouldn't want to. So don't go there. Anyways guys! What did you come here for? Not to yell at Lazar I hope?" They look at eachother and smile,Both me and Jessica looks at them and to be honest...I don't dare to askt them.

"Well...since you recently announced your pregnancy to us and to the mafia,we all bought something for you guys!" Alex says and look down on the floor,with a big smile on his lips. And so on the other guys' faces too.

"Do I dare to ask?" I question,but they all shake their head before they pull both me and Jessica to the doorway.

"Close your eyes!" Shawn says and we both do.


Jessica grabs onto my hand at the sound of many people's voices and we open our eyes. Standing there is all the people we love. My mother,father and mostly,everyone we love.

Big,blue and pink balloons,a big cake with the text "boy or girl?" on it is standing before our eyes. "What on earth is this!" Jessica says with her eyes wide and a big wide smile on her lips. I look at her and smile towards her.

"You knew?!"

I laugh and pull her into my arms and kiss her on her forhead. "Yes,baby. Suprise!" I kiss her on the lips and seconds later I feel a pair of hands on my shoulder. We pull apart and I see my mother,and father smiling towards me.

"Hey,son!" They both greet me. I pull them into a hug and kiss my mom on each cheek.

Jessica's POV

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