Chapter twenty

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My mother opened the brown door. It stood two cops outside...? What are they doing here?

"Mrs. Jensen?" One of the police officers said. He took off his police hat and looked at my mother with a sad look on his face. I stood behind the wall to the stairs and the door,so they wouldn't be able to see me.

"I am sorry mrs,but your husband just passed away. In a car accident just a few minutes ago." The other police officer told her. I could only see her from the back,but I could feel how sad she was...and me?

It felt like my whole heart was being stabbed...the only person that I loved,that loved me has leaved me...I will never see him again...never be able to see his black hair,his brown eyes and his perfume that he always wore...I only have her left now. The one that never gives me me...holding me trapped...

I ran up the stairs and locked the door. I rushed to the bathroom in my room,and puked all over the toilet. This was too much...I-I can't handle this! It's too much.

Make it stop...

"Make it stop!"


"MAKE IT S-STOP!" I yelled. I woke up with two strong arms around me. The two tattood arms that I know very well.


I looked up,and saw his green eyes shining in the dark room. The tears on my cheeks just falling down on the bed,on my legs and his arms. All I could feel was pain. Or Is pain. I miss my dad so,so much...

"It's're safe. I will protect you!" He soothed in my ear. Rocking us back and forth. I closed my eyes and just tried to enjoy being in his arms.

After the...intiminate moment earlier,we stopped. I told him that I didn't feel like I was ready yet. He said that he understood,and that he will wait for me. Always...

I feelt his warmth and the soft bed around me. His shirt and my panties on,making me cold and warm at the same time. The sun hasn't gone up yet,which means that it's really early. So we have plenty of time to sleep...if I can...

"Let's get some rest. I am here,I won't leave you." He said,in my ear. I stopped sobbing and nuzzled my head more into his neck. He fell back with me in his arms and we fell asleep again. His warm body making me comfortable and his soft embrace.


The sound of birds outside the window woke me up from the deep sleep I had fallen into. The sun shine theough the big window,and you vould see small dust fly in the room in the light. I looked to my left side and I could see no Lazar. He's maybe working...or something.

The memories from the night came to my mind. Those memories that I have been trying to get loose of so long came back again. And this time the pain too.

✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now