Chapter eleven

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Lazar took me out to a really fancy resturant tonight. There's candles on the white cloth tables. People everywhere,sitting and flirting and talking while they're eating.

Our table is by a big window. Making us see the city. It's beginning to get pretty dark outside,so the whole city is almost so gorgeous with all the lights.

"So,how's the house?" Lazar asks me. I turn my head towards him. I see him looking at me with a smirk. I have my hands under my chin as a support so I can be more relaxed. I smile a wide smile as I think of my new home. It's really perfect. You could think that I am living in a wattpad story!

"It's really good! I am really gratefull for it. And thank you again!" I say and give him a warm smile. He smiles back to making me look away from his eyes for a split second. Oh no,he's making me blush...stop it Jessica!!

I look to our left,as I see a tall girl coming our way. The girl that's going to take our order.

"Hello,ms and mr. What would you like to eat?" The tall girl asked us. I looked down at the menu and my mouth began to water at all the food. But one caught my eye.

Spaghetti carbonara!

"One spaghetti carbonara and a pepsi please." I said and gave her the brown menu. I looked at Lazar,and he was looking at me slighlty. "Same for me but red wine instead." He said,and gave the girl his menu. She nodded her head and walked away. Making us alone again.

"You don't drink alcohol?" He asked me curious. Oh no. How do I say this?

Uhmm no,my mom is an alcoholic. So I don't drink at all. Or well,I've never tried and do not intend to...

"No I don't." Was all I said,as I gave him a small smile and turned my head,looking out through the big window again. I love when it's dark outside and the whole city just lights up. It's beautiful.

As I was looking out the window,I could feel his eyes burning into my body...and the thing is that I kinda like it...he makes me! I don't know! But I can't stop thinking about him! I was back out of my thoughts as he spoke again.

"How come you searched for a home,if I may ask?" Making my head snap to him. I gulped down nervously as I thought about what to say!

Oh you know,nothing much. Just that my mother asked me to sell my body so she could buy alcohol,and the fact that she slapped me,nothing serious!

"You don't have to answer that! I was just curious..." he says,and looks down a little at the table,not looking in my eyes. Just as I was about to say something the girl came again,with our food.

Life savier!

We began to eat in silence but thankfully,the background music filled our silence. As Lazar was looking down at his plate,I took my time to carefully explore his face. The way his jaw muscles tensed as he chewed the food is amazing. And his sharp jawline,his green eyes that you just want to stare into I was looking at him,he looked up,meeting my eyes. I blushed and swallowed my food and looked away quickly. I could see him smirk at me...

I turned my head up at him again,as he ate his food. I mean I can tell him a little bit why I moved...right?

I took a deep breath and my lips began to move. "I-I don't have a really good relationship with my mother...that's why I moved." I said and let the breath out of relief. He looked at me. I hope he don't think it's a stupid reason to move...

He takes his hand slowly over the table while we keep eye contact. Slowly he's laying his hand on the top of mine and pet it a little. My breath hitches as I feel our skin touch. It feels like I just got a electric shock..."Im sorry...I didn't know." He says and gives me a warm smile.

We continue to talk a little more. Mostly about his family,as he got that I don't really like to talk about mine. And I know that he's the only child. That his mother's name is Ella and his father's name is Sam. And I know that he owns the big commpany called 'Brazier's' which I almost thought I would choke on my salavia when I heard that...ohh,and he got a tounge piercing! Which I find really cool

The time flew by and within a second we stood outside my home.

"You had a good night?" Lazar asked me as he walked besides me to the front door. I smiled as I looked down at the ground and then up in his eyes. "I had a really good night,Lazar." I said and smiled to him. He looked me into my eyes. His green eyes shining through the dark.

"Yeah,me too..." he said as he smiled at me. His smile making me blush...I hope he doesn't see it...

He slowly got closer to me with his face. Making me stop breathing. His right hand came up to my cheek. Caressing it a little making my breath hitch. He brought his face closer and closer until our lips were touching.

I was shocked at first. This is my first kiss! I have no idea what the hell I should do? I just stood there with wide eyes and straight. But his lips moved against mine,so I did the same back and closed my eyes. His left hand made it's way behind my neck,pulling me closer to him if it even is possible. His tounge caressed my lower lip a little making me open my mouth,slightly. His tounge came in contact with mine,and they danced with hands behind his neck.

He pulled away and I couldn't help the smile that came on my lips...I opened my eyes again and saw him looking in my eyes deep. I kissed his cheek. Lingering my lips there for a few seconds.

"Thank you...and next time I will pay for our food!" I said with a playful tone. A deep chuckle escaped his mouth as he looked at me. And yes,I knew that he had paid before we got there,when I tried to pay and he said that he knows the owner and that he had invited us the  to eat the food for free...

He stared at me for a few seconds before he began to speak. "I should probably go now. Work tomorrow you know." He said and looked down at me. He's so tall! Or so is it me that's really short...

I nodded and chuckled. He winked at me and kissed me on the cheek making my heart flutter. We said our goodbyes and goodnight's before he drove home. I watched as his car was out of my sight until I unlocked the door and I walked in.

As I took off my high heels I thought about this night...This is the best day ever!

I just had my very first kiss!! Omg!!

I walked up the stairs with my shoes in my hands. I walked straight to the bed and laid down quickly. I thought about Lazar until I could feel the dark consum me.

 I thought about Lazar until I could feel the dark consum me

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