35. Euphoria.

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This chapter is like only smut...so yeah...

(Don't be afraid of telling me,what you like or don't like. It's YOU who read my books,not me❤️)

 It's YOU who read my books,not me❤️)

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"Thank you so much for tonight! I really liked to be here,and meet you two!" I said

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"Thank you so much for tonight! I really liked to be here,and meet you two!" I said. I hugged Ella and Sam,in two tight huggs. Lazar took my hand and said his goodbye to his parents,before we walked out to his car.

After the dinner we just talked...talked both about the maffia things,and normal things. Apperently,Sam was the maffia boss before Lazar,and when Lazar turned 18,he took over from his father. It's actually fucked up,too that I am one of the Calero's...

Jessica Calero.

I like it...

"What are you thinking?" Lazar's deep voice echoed through my ears,as we sat in his car. I turned my head,and saw him looking at me. His green eyes lighting in the dark. The sky outside dark,with only the stars lighting it up. And so his eyes.

So gorgeous...

"Just the dinner..." I say,and smile to him. He nodds and turn the car on. He plays the radio,and puts his hand on my thigh...squeezing it gently. I blush as I look down at his placement. His hand is on my upper thigh,very close to my...well,lady parts.


I could feel the wetness starting to build...the tingles down there,and the feeling of exploding. I looked in the corner of my eye and saw Lazar's jaw,clench and unclench...His veiny hand tightning around the steering wheel. I smile and place my hand on top of his,just holding it there.

His hand starts to travel upwards. Until it touches my panties under my dress. I bet that my wetness has soaked them. A big sigh is heard from him,and before I know it,the car stopps. I look up in shock and I can see his house in front of me. I chuckle as Lazar,hurry him self up from the car and open my own door.

"Bedroom. Now!" He says and pulls me up from the seat. He shuts the door shut and walks with me over to the door. He pulls out his keys and unlock the door.

✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now