Chapter twenty-one

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I woke up with the feeling of someone shaking and screaming. I opened my eyes quickly and saw the angel in my arms screaming and shaking. I flew up and put my arms around her and tried to wake her up. I yelled her name more then two times before she opened her eyes and looked at me. Tears ran down her cheek and her breathing was uneven. I couldn't describe the pain in my chest...seeing her like this...

I soothed her and we went back to sleep. She was still shaking but not as much as before. Poor angel...

I tried to sleep but the past came quickly back to my mind. The memories that I've been trying so hard to push away and lock into my head,came loose.

2 years ago*

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2 years ago*

"Boss. The shipments will be late. I told him to deal with it but he said that he couldn't." Leo said. The drugs and the weapon shipments are late;again!

"Tell him that if he don't deal with it,he will pay for his own funeral in a few hours!" I yelled to Leo. He said a 'yes boss' and walked out of my office. To run a mafia is fucking hard sometimes.

Yeah that's right. I am the boss of one of london's biggest mafia's. One of the most feared mafia in the world. My father was the leader first,but stepped down as I turned 18,a few years ago. Not everyone know who I am,how I look or how I sound. The only thing they know about me,is that I have my own way in killing. No one dare to come close or speak to me. The power I have is incredible.

I looked out through the window. I could see the ocean and people swimming. Kids playing around. Half naked woman who sun-bathed. And the sun shining bright on the sand. I took out the whiskey I had in a drawer and poored it into the whiskey glass. I swipped it all down in one motion. The alcohol burning as it came in conntact with my throat. I closed my eyes for a minute and took a deep breath. As I opened them I stood up and walked out through my office.

As I walked out,I could see all my men walking around in the mansion. Some talking to eachother,some running around with paper,guns or knives. I smiled to myself as I saw my bestfriend and my second command,Shawn. He's the best one I have,and also my bestfriend.

He was talking to Leo,our other bestfriend. I walked towards them and as soon as I came close to them they went quiet. I looked them into their eyes and they understood that they should speak up. Leo swallowed his saliva before he began to speak.

"Boss. We have a problem with the Calero's." Leo said. Just hearing their name made my fists clench together tight,and so my jaw. The anger inside of me just wanting to come out. I stood more straight then before. I nodded to him to keep going. He looked over to Shawn quickly which made Shawn speak instead.

"Eric killed one of our men,and he wants you next. If anything would happen to you we will know by this chip." Shawn said as he showed me a little chip in his hand. "We will have to put it in your neck. And with that we will always be able to see your vitals,pain level and your location." Shawn described. "Alright. What about his family. You found any information about it?" I asked him as I took the chip and put it in my pocket.

"Yes sir. He has a daughter,she's 21,and a wife who's 55. Apparently he was in a car accident and he died in it,of course that's a lie,but they don't know that. The daughter works at a little library downtown,the mother takes pills,drink and have sex with guys for money. But she only buys alcohol and pills for them. The daughter pays the bills,food, you name it. And her name is Jessica." Shawn told me. Her name was usual but still beautiful...? I nodded to him and thought of this a little bit more...

If he leaved his family by faking his death,so isn't his family a weak spot. If they were they all would've died and he would keep them safe,but he doesn't...but if I would hack into his account and mansion,he would have a weak spot. His money,house and his men. I can have Stephen get in there as a undercover...that should do it.

I walked to Stephens office. Known as the hacker station. He's one of my guys who is a hacker and a undercover. He's the one that can go undercover anywhere and hack into things. One of my best man too.

I knocked on the door one time before I opened the door. As I opened it I saw Stephen sitting in his chair behind many screens. His brown eyes tired but focused and his blue hair messy but still syled. He looked up from the screen and stopped with his work. I gave him a nod and closed the door.

"Hey man. We have some problems with the Calero's. You think you could hack into Eric's mansion,money account and everything and then go undercover?" I asked him. He said yes and began with the fresh work I just gave him. I looked around the dimmed room one last time and walked out. As I closed the door I remembered the chip. I need to go to Santiego,our medic so he can put the chip in.

This day will be a hell of work!

What do you think of this? And did you suspect that Lazar had this past?! Or who knows

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What do you think of this? And did you suspect that Lazar had this past?! Or who this his past or is this his present too...?

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