31. "That's for kissing me!"

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"Bennet?" I kind of yelled in the room where Leo, Bennet, Shawn and some other men was waiting for us. "Yeah?" He said as he looked up from his phone. I throw my fist right into his face and he fell to the ground. Everyone was laughing, some even wheezing while throwing their heads back...

"What the fuck mate!?" He said as he held his bleeding nose. "That's for kissing me!" I said and helped him up. He smiled and shook his head. "How's she doing?" Leo asked and gestured with his head to the room where Jessica and Stephen is in. "Good...apparently they've been dreaming of eachother ever since they were kids." I said. They looked at me confused. "Don't ask. It's all complicated!" I said and they nodded.

"We can go home tomorrow though!" I said happy. I will finally feel Jessica in my arms...sleep with her close to me.

"Good!" Shawn said and gave me a high five. "Yeah,oh and Shawn,you will be taking over for me for a few months?" I said and he was shocked. "W-What!?" He said. Making us all laugh except for him. "Yeah. I will be taking vacation for a few months!" I yelled as I began to walk back to the room. "Wait! Lazar!" I only chuckled.

"NOT COOL MATE!" I heard him yell after me,but I only brought my middle finger in the air to him.

"NOT COOL MATE!" I heard him yell after me,but I only brought my middle finger in the air to him

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"How was our parents?" Stephen asked me

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"How was our parents?" Stephen asked me. I am so happy right now. Well except for thinking of Eric...

"Well...at the start they were good! Our mom used to bake at friday's,dad used to drive me on his motorcycle,and we used to watch movies...until one day they fought...I have no idea about what. But after that fight,my mom came up to me...and she took a glass and threw it at me. I got a scar on my back from it. And ever since then she used to beat me. But she's drunk 99% of the time...so..." I said. I tried to push back the tears. I succeed but it was hard...

"I am sorry..." he said. I smiled to him and hugged him gently. I looked towards the door when Lazar walked in. He smiled to us as we released eachother. "You good?" He asked me. I nodded and he kissed me on my cheek. I could already see that Stephen was following Lazar with his eyes...

Oh...overprotective I see...

"I should problaly go out...I will see you in a few days,Jessica!" Stephen said and rose from the chair. He kissed me on the cheek and nodded towards Lazar and walked out...leaving me and Lazar alone.

I turned my head towards him,who stood besides me on my left. "We can leave tomorrow." He said and bended down to me. Only inches from my lips. My breathing began to quicken. He smiled at me and sat down on the chair. "So easy to turn on..." he hummed. I began to blush at his words...The worst thing is that it's true...I get so turned on when he talks to me...look at me...kiss me,and touch me...

"How much's the clock?" I ask. Trying to change the topic. He chukles and looks on his phone. "23:55." He says. My eyes widen at the late time.

"What! We must sleep,tomorrow we will go home for the first time on three days!" I say exited. He looks at me and chuckles.

He bends down to me again,and caprure my lips in a fierce kiss...it makes me spechless...his good hand,sneaks up behind my neck and pulls me closer as his tongue roam free in my mouth. I let out a little moan that I didn't intend too...which makes him hum. He pulls away and just stare into my eyes. I smile and massage his scalp with my fingers. He closes his eyes in pleasure and groan a little bit.

"Move to the side!" He says from nowhere and stands up. I laugh at his little childish behaviour and scoot to the side,so he can lay besides me. He puts me on his chest and my hands found it's way under his warm hoodie. I can feel his abs under my fingers...

I am so exited to tomorrow...

"Goodnight,baby..." he says before he turn the lights off and we both fall into deep sleep.

" he says before he turn the lights off and we both fall into deep sleep

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✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now