Chapter thirty

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"Wait,why did you want that?" Stephen asked me

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"Wait,why did you want that?" Stephen asked me. I could sense that he was a little bit angry. But I was the one who told him that he should do it from the beginning. "You can get mad at me how much you want. But not now,please? I just want to be here when she wakes up." I said and gestured towards Jessica. She was still a beauty in her sleep...

"I understand. And Im not mad. Just a little bit suprised...but I'll leave you two. I've been here for two days now,so you can be with her now,mate." Stephen said and hugged me. Or well,in some kind of hug since I had a armrest on my arm. He walked out of the room,leaving me and Jessica alone. I walked to the chair besides the bed where Stephen been sitting.

As I sat down I exhaled as I looked at beautiful,but hurt,so perfect but so broken...and so lovley but still so dark....

"Mhf." Could be heard from her lips. My head snapped up towards her face. She still had some cuts and brusies of course,but they look a lot better then they did two days ago."Jessica?" I said,trying to get contact with her. "L-Lazar?" Her weak voice could be heard. My heart swell with happiness as I could finally hear her voice again!

"DOCTOR! I NEED A DOCTOR!" I yelled. Two seconds later,two doctor's came in running. Jessica had opened her eyes,and she could talk. "Welcome back,Ms.Jensen. How are we feeling?" One of the doctors asked as she put a listening thing on her heart. "I-Im good. Just t-thirsty." She said. "That's usuall for someone who's been unconsious for few hours or days. We will get you something." The other one said.

"Well everything sounds good. But you had internal bleeding in your stomach,after those puches We guess,punctured lung,bullet wound in your leg and two broken ribs. So you will need a lots of rest." She said with a serious tone. To hear how badly hurt Jessica is,is almost breaking my heart...

"She will get some rest belive me..." I tried to save the tragic news. I winked to her and she began to blush...

So cute.

"Well then...we will get you some water and you will get some rest after that!" The blond hair doctor said. As she walked out she bumped into someone...Shawn. I could see that he looked at her and that she looked at him...she said a sorry and left. But he didn't leave her with his eyes.

Well...maybe something could happen with that?

I turned my attention back to Jessica again...she was already looking up at me. Her brown eyes so bright...I love her eyes.

"Sorry..." she said from nowhere. I looked at her with my eyebrows furrowed. What does she mean? She hasn't done anything.

"Why,baby?" I said. She looked on her leg,that's in a legrest in a high position. And then up at me. "I-I was the reason that my father took you too..." She said. I shook my head and my hand came in contact with her hair. I looked her into her eyes,"No baby...listen...For a few months ago,I killed all of his men...but he was also the one to kill one of my best,and many other mafias's men. So he deserved it! And I don't know why he left you and your mom...or why he got so mean and cruel. But I promise you,that I will never be like him. I will never leave you..." I said.

She had tears in her eyes...her arms came around my neck and pulled me down,on her lips. She kissed me with a beautiful,sensuell kiss. It feel's so good to finally feel her lips on mine again...

"Thank you...for everything." She said. Our forheads against eachother. I smiled and pecked her lips one more time before pulling away. But I still held her hand.

"Baby...there's something I need to tell you..." I said. I need to tell her about Stephen. But not without him. She looked at me waiting for what I was going to say. "I need to call him first. I will be here with you...but he just need's to see you here..." I said. She nodded and I pulled out my phone. I called Stephen and he said he was on his way. After about 5 minutes he knocked on the door. As he walked in his and Jessica's eyes locked.

He closed the door as he walked inside. Not leaving her eyes. I don't really belive that bullshit that you can feel if you've been missing someone your whole life and you're siblings...but I think I do now...

"H-hey..." Stephen said a little bit nervous. Jessica didn't say a word. Just quite as her eyes scanned his.

"Jessica...the thing that I wanted to tell you is-" But she cut me off with something unexpected. "S-Stephen!?" She said. It felt like my jaw touched the floor.


"Wait-how do you remember me?" Stephen asked shocked and confused. "I-I've dreamt of someone since I was little...a boy who had those exact brown eyes...and-and I thought I just fantasized about it..." she said. Tears filled her eyes and so Stephen's...

"And you're the girl I've dreamt always had black ponytails and those brown eyes!" He said and chukled. A sob leaved Jessica's mouth and Stephen ran towards her and hugged her...

I could feel that it was time for me to leave the room. It's their moment now and I don't want to destroy it.

But this is fucking sick!? What's the odds!

Oh...and now I need to talk to Bennet...since he practicly kissed me...and more then twice too...

He deserves a punch.

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