Chapter eighteen

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PS:I've never watched fifty shades of grey,so this is in my head!😅

PS:I've never watched fifty shades of grey,so this is in my head!😅

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"Feel like home!" I said to Jessica,as we walked into my home. She was infront of me and looked around with a amazed look on her face. I smiled behind her as I laid my car keys on the coffe table within the door.

"'s beautiful here!" She said. She turned her head to the right,where the kitchen is. She looked back at me and smiled. I smiled to her. "Well...the food is done,and I could give you a tour after dinner?" I said. She smiled and gave me a nod. I walked into the kitchen and she after me.

As we sat down in front of the white glass table she licked her lips as she looked at the food. I chuckled which made her head snap up to me. "What?" She giggled. So cute.

"Nothing...I am just happy you're here. And take how much you want!" I said and gestured with my hand towards the food. She giggled and began to take food. I quickly took up my phone and connected it to the speakers,that are  built-in the walls. I chose the 'relaxing' playlist. I laid my phone in my pocket again and began to take food too.

"I am really grateful to have you here..." I said as we began to eat our tacos. I looked at her,and she looked up at me. Her cheeks red and her mouth full of food...I smiled at her 'I don't care what you think of me eating food' face. I love that she's comfortable around me...

She swallowed her food and began to spoke as I took a bite of my food. "Thank you. And I really love being with you." She said shyly. She looked down and we just continued eating. But not in uncomfortable silence. It was a good,happy silence. No words needed at all. Our eyes said most of it...

I don't know what to really say to him

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I don't know what to really say to him...I really like really...and we don't need words. It's like our eyes says it all. We are happy with eachothers company. Just his eyes on my own makes my knees weak...lucky me that I am sitting down...

"After the 'tour' we could watch a movie or something? If you're into it?" He said after we both were done with our food. I smiled happily and nodded. "I would love too! What movie though?" I said,as I raised one eyebrow.

"Hmm. We'll see. Depends on what mood I will make you in." He said flirty...what mood I am in...? What does that mean?

"And this is the bedroom. Where I hope I will have you someday,soon." Lazar said as we both stood in the big doorframe,into the big bedroom. I freezed on spot,and I could feel my cheeks heat up. I-I mean I wouldn't mind...

At all...

"I-I." I couldn't say anything. He only chuckled and winked with his green eye. As he walked past me,I could feel his hand grab my ass a little...not hard,but just a little squeze. I almost fell at the feeling of his hands on my body...I love it.

His house is really beautiful. It has a very dark,grey and a little bit of white theme in it. It fit's perfect!

Right now we're sitting in his big comfy black sofa. In front of his enormous tv! It covers the whole freaking wall! How much money does he have?

He's a billonare you dumb fuck.

"You've ever watched fifty shades of grey?" He asked me,as we had some problems of chosing a movie...

"Hmm...No,I've never heard of it? What is it?" I said,and looked at him. I could see a little smirk hiding on his lips...he turned his head towards me and looked me into my eyes with his green ones. "It's a romantic movie. Nothing too special. But it's good!" He said and smiled. I looked at him for a few of seconds...And I agreed...

He smiled and clicked on play. He pushed himself over to the corner of the sofa,patting his knee,as a 'come' to me...I swallowed the little amount of saliva that was in my mouth,before I crawled over to him,laying in his embrace. His hands were around me,as I was laying in between his legs-with my head on his chest. The movie began to play,and we watched...

As we were a few minutes in the movie,a really steamy scene was a scene where the girl laid on the bed,with the guy going down on her. She moaned and she came. He also took some toy that made her come again,and again. I could feel the tingles down there just getting stronger and stronger. My cheeks were hot,and my body is extremly warm. I swallowed the saliva that was stuck in my mouth.

I felt Lazar's hands around me...he tightend his grip around me,as I pushed my thighs together. I couldn't help it. This scene was just too much...the moans on the tv became louder and louder.

Thank god he hasn't neighbours...!

Suddenly I could feel his hot breath on my ear. My thighs pushing harder against eachother. I had to open my mouth to get in air correctly. His tongue came in contact with my ear,licking my earlobe. A pleasuring sigh escaped my lips as my eyes shut close. He's turning me on so freaking much.

"I would love to pleasure you..." his dark voice appeard in my ear. I opened my eyes and turned my head around so I could see him better. His green eyes dark,his hair a little bit ruffled. And something poking me in the back...I looked down on his lips,his perfect teeth showing. I just so bad want to taste them again.

"Then please do it." I said. And within seconds after that left my mouth,his lips collided with my own. My hand sneaking up behind his neck,trying to push him more onto me...he's addicting. Like a drug.

In one quick motion,he made me stradling him. I could feel his big friend under my heat...It was a erotic feeling. A moan escaped my lips as he began to grind me downwards on him. I stopped kissing him,as the feeling was so rare to me...I've never done anything with someone before...

"Wait! Lazar...I am a virgin..." I tried to say betweens the moans. Him still grinding me on him. He looked me into my eyes,really looking into them. "I don't care. If you're comfortable with this I will be happy. If you need time with more...intimate things,I understand. But you have to know that,I will always wait for you." He said. I could feel my eyes begining to water. I kissed his soft lips again,and just pushed him onto me,like a sitting hug...

The tingles still down there though...

The tingles still down there though

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