Chapter nineteen

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"You make me go crazy..." Lazar's hot breath fanned over my face as I sat in his lap,stradling him. His hands on my hips as he grinded me down hard on him. Our eyes locked and my arms behind his neck,fisting his hair gently. My hips met his motions with his hands,making a new kind of pleasure shoot through me...

His green eyes penetrating my brown ones. Our breath becoming heavier and heavier as I grinned down on his big hard-on through his jeans. I closed my eyes as I came down hard on him,making the extreme pleasure shoot through me one more time...this was a whole new feeling. I've never felt anything like it before.

Lazar groaned loud as I came down on him,his grip on my hips tighten. I opened my eyes and smiled at the sight. This powerful man,in such a pleasure and vulnerably state...I could pretty much do whatever I want...

"What you smiling at,huh?" I heard him say,as he gave me a little smirk,at the same time pulling me down harder on him,making me gasp. My hands tighten in his hair and my thighs squeezed togheter.

"Can I pleasure you...?" He asked me. I looked at him confused for a second before I nodded my head. In one quick motion,I was laying on my back in the sofa with him between my legs,on top of me. My hands pinned up above my head,with his own.

He looked down at me with a cocky smile. His green eyes with pleasure but yet with a playful expression...I looked in his eyes and then down at his lips. I wanted to taste them so,so bad...

I looked up quickly as I remembered that he's looking at me. He looked in my eyes and down at my lips. I looked at his...he slowly bent down his head towards my lips. In one quick push,I connected our lips. Our tongues danced with eachother quickly as they met,and fought for dominance. But he won...

A sigh of pleasure came out through my throat that made him smile against my lips. I felt his hand leave my hands and they went down towards my breasts...little panic flew through me,but disappeard as soon as he retreated his hand back to my hands. He leaved my lips and looked down at me. And I looked back up at him.

"Can I touch you?" He asked in a whisper. I swallowed the saliva. Can he? I mean I want to...but I don't know. I will say no. I mean we don't know each other very well,and,and-

"yes..." I said in a whisper.


You motherf-

His hand travled down my body again. To my left breast. I still had my clothes on so I was extremly hot,with not only the pleasure,but with the temprature...his hand massaged my breast as moans escaped my mouth,and he quickly bent down to my neck. Kissing it. I've never felt anything like this. This raw pleasure...the jolts. Everything.

For a second I was laying on the sofa,now in one second I am in his arms,meanwhile he's walking with me up the stairs! My legs around his waist,and my hands behind his neck.

As we reached the top floor,he walked with us into his bedroom. He pushed me down on his bed,as he was in between my legs again. A squeel left me as I flew down on his bed. This all happens so fast!

His tongue is on my neck,while one of his hands is travling down,towards my drenched heat. His other hand is on my hands,that are pinned above my head,in a tight grip. Moans from me is heard and groans from him. My eyes is closed at the pleasure. I can't look or anything right now...This is a new kind of pleasure.

I feel his hand on the hem of my jeans. He looks up from my neck and looks me in the eyes. I nod to him,and he opens the buttom of my jeans. He let go of my arm and took off my jeans. He threw them on the floor. Leaving me in only my underwear...

Oh no...

I brought my hands down to cover my covered heat,but was soon stopped by him. He looked down at me and shook his head side to side. He took my hands once again above my head and took off my top,leaving me in only my white panties and white bra. I've never showed a guy this much before...he smiled and directly dived on to my covered breasts.

"Mmm. So perfect..." he hummed against my skin,as he kissed on my breasts. My hands found his hair,tugging on it as the electricity flew theough my thighs trying to rub against eachother,but not really making it since he's in the way...

This will be new...

This will be new

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