32. "It doesn't matter, it's in the past"

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"You ready?" Lazar asked me as I just took on my black hoodie

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"You ready?" Lazar asked me as I just took on my black hoodie. "Yeah..." I said and looked around the hospital room. It's time to go to the mansion,as it's called...and I'm not gonna lie...I'm a little bit nervous. I know that it's about 200-400 men that's living there. So it's big as hell.

I walked over to Lazar who stood in the doorway. As I walked up to him he kissed me on my forhead and his arm came around my waist. We walked out of the room and we met Stephen,standing there with the guy called Bennet. Apperently the one who saved Lazar and his bestfriend. He had blond hair and blue eyes. Just like most of the men...?

"You ready to go?" Stephen asked and I said yes and we began to walk to the cars.


"If you think it's too mich,just say to us." Stephen told me. We're in the doorway to the basement where Eric is...I can't belive that he's the one I called father once in my life time. The one I loved.

I took a big breath and I opened the door. As I opened the door Lazar and Stephen stood behind me. And Leo,Bennet and Shawn. Leo and Shawn is also his bestfriends.

I walked down the stairs that you were met by when you opened the door. As you came down from them,There was a big hallway. It was doors and windows so you could see into the rooms?

"We can see them,but they can't see us." Lazar said in my ear. I nodded and looked around some more. It looked like it was old. But still new? Many men walked back and forth,some talking to eachother and looking at us,some just walking up the stairs,and some just talking in their phone's.

Lazar walked in front of me as we Came up to a door. I guess that's the room Eric was in...I looked into the window and I could see him. He was tied up in the ceiling just like I and Lazar were...He had brusies and cuts on his face. He only had his black jeans on,no shirt and no shoes.

"Just like Stephen said,if it's too much just tell us..." he said and kissed me on my cheek. I felt the presence of the other guys behind me as Lazar opened the door. I walked in and Eric's head flew up. As I looked into his eyes,I didn't see any sadness,regret or anything like that...just anger. Furiousity.

"You showed up know you little whore!" He spat. I could feel the rage build up in me...my breathing began to speed up and so my heart. My fists clenched togheter hard,showing a white colour.

"Don't fucking call her that!" Stephen yelled back to him,behind me. But I took my hand in the air towards them,tellimg them to shut up with my finger.

"So it's whore now? Not Princess,honey,darling or like that? Whore?" I said and walked more towards him. Now one meter away from him. His chest rose fast.

"You're just like your mother. You will never be like me!" He said again. I chuckled.

"I can't belive that I once loved you...I missed you everyday...I had this pain inside of me...The pain of loosing a parent. No,actually two. When you died I loosed my mother as well. You leaved me alone. Why?" I asked. I didn't feel anything exept anger in me. I am just wondering...


"I faked my own death beacuse I had many depts...depts that I knew if I will be alive,they will kill me. So I faked it instead. That was before I met your mother. She was a whore. I found her on the street,just like he did." He said and gestured to Lazar. I looked behind me to him. His eyes black and anger in his face. I smiled and looked back to Eric again.

"You're right...but I didn't sell my body to anyone. I didn't leave anyone who loved me,leave with pain or death. I choose to leave so I could be something. Not be a whore,not do drugs,drink or kill myself. But yet...you made me want to do it so many times. Your so called 'death' made me want to kill myself every,fucking day!" I yelled. I could see something in his eyes...shock?

"You made me cut myself! Cry myself to sleep,starve myslef and bleed. Bleed so much so I was tired. You made me fucking hurt myself." I said. Before I knew it,my fist conected with his cheek. He closed his eyes and seconds after he spit out blood on the floor.

"TELL ME WHY THE FUCK YOU DID IT!" I screamed. I couldn't hold back my anger anymore! I need it to come out!


But not as much as I wanted.

My fists punched his face over and over,until his nose cracked. I yelled out in frustration and anger. I stopped and his eyes met with mine.

"How can you do this to your own father?" He had the gut to ask. I laughed at his funny words.



"It doesn't matter,it's in the past." I said. His eyes widend and I got happy from that.

"Oh,and if you're intrested...I am still a virgin. We haven't had sex yet. I haven't felt like im ready yet but now that I think...maybe I am!" I said and spat him in the face before I brought my knee up in his stomach which made him grunt in pain.

I turned around and looked at the guys. They all looked at me with wide eyes exept for Lazar. He had on a flirty smile and his eyes showing me lust. I smiled and took his hand in mine and dragged him to the door. Before I opened the door I spoke to the guys,"Do whatever you want to him. Oh and Stephen,tell him who you are?" I said and opened the door with Lazar still in my hand. As we walked out to the hallway,I closed the door. With Lazar's hand still in mine.

"That was awsome." Lazar said and kissed me on the lips. "And that was also so hot..."

Oh my...


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