Chapter five

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"Can't you just do anything? Like...sell your body!?" My mother screamed at me,her blue eyes darting into my brown ones. Her eyebrows furrowed together and her eyes showing me nothing but anger.

She had a white tank top,a pair of black sweatpants and a white robe. Her blond hair in a messy bun and her eyes red from the pills and the alcohol she's been taking and drinking...

"No mother! I am not going to sell my body just for you to-to go and buy freaking alcohol!" I yelled back,holding back the tears. Making it hurt in my throat. My voice broke at the last sentance. My eyes wide and my chin trembeling from the pain I was feeling inside of me...

I just need it to stop!

"Everything had been better if you never were born!" She yelled at me. Her blue eyes almost dark blue,her hands clenched in fists. Her face only screaming anger.

I had no words. My own mother just told me to sell my body,for her to have money and go and buy alcohol...and she just yelled at me for my existence.


Nobody likes you,Jessica.

"Fine!! I'll go! I-I go so-so you can g-go and buy your-your fucking alcohol!!" I screamed of the top of my lungs. I felt my throat become dry,and so my eyes. I clenched my jaw,trying to hold in the anger that still was inside of me.

My mother stood infront of me. She just looked at me. I don't even think that she knows what just happend. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest,and she had a grin on her lips. A grin that made me sick. She walked towards me,and before I even could react,her palm had connected with my cheek.

She just slapped me.

I couldn't say anything. I just stood there for a few seconds in shock before I turned my heel and walked up the stairs. I got into my room and took out a black backpack I had under my bed. Just in case...

I began to pack everything I needed. Clothes,charger,toothbrush,toiletries.

As I began to pack my things memories came flushing in my head.


"When you're an adult you will do hard things in your life. Sometimes you will loose people you love,and sometimes you will loose people that don't deserve you. And yes,it will hurt. But you will save so much time for yourself ,you will grow into a such a strong woman. And always remember..." my father said as I laid in his embrace,in my bed. His big brown eyes looking down at me,cocking his eyebrow as a wait for my answer.

"Always look up to the people you have. Never judge someone before you know them and always do your best." I answerd him. The things he'd taught me.

"Gooodnight,princess." My father said,and kissed me on my forhead. Giving me a one last hug,before he unhooked his arms around me and tugged me in the bed. Turning of the light I saw his big frame leave the room,closing the door after himself. Leaving me in the comfortable darkness and silence. His words still lingering in my head...

I love you dad.


I held one of his shirts in my hand. His sent still on it. The perfume he always had. It was a casual white shirt...that smelled just like him and I have been saving it. I can't get rid of's like it's the closest thing I have from him...if you ignore my face and things.

I packed my things up. Still having the clothes I wore earlier today. I walked down the steps,not finding my mother. I only shrugged and walked out through the door. I closed it behind me and began my journey...

I have nowhere to go. But I guess I find something...

Never give up.

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