Chapter twenty-three

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As I walked out of the buss I directly walked to the cafe where me and Lazar met for the third time. I walked to the cafe but it was closed. Dammit!

I picked up my phone from my back pocket but I didn't come too far...just as I was about to call Lazar,a sharp sting came in contact with my neck. In just a few seconds I fell to the ground and darkness came into my head.


"Wake up beautiful." A myserious voice said. I opened my eyes and I could feel that I was laying on a concrete floor...? I tried to sit up but as I tried a foot came in contact with my gut. I yelled out in pain,and coughed up blood. I noticed that I only wore a bra and jeans...

I am going to die here.

As I looked up I saw a man. I don't recognize him at all,but his ice cold blue eyes will always be printed in my mind.

"Who the fuck are you?" I yelled to him. I tried so hard to not show him that I am in much pain. That's something hou CAN'T show in the world. Pain. They will take advantage of you then.

He only chukled and looked down at me. I looked at him in shock but as our eyes met he took a strong grip of my hair. I yelped as he lifted me up in my hair. My hands were on his,trying to get him off of me. But failed.

"You think you can talk to me like that you little whore? I will have so much fun with you!" He spat in my face. He dropped me to the cold,hard floor and once again he kicked me in the gut. I yelled in pain,and in one quick motion he was laying on top of me,beating me with his fists in my face. I could feel my blood drip down from my face.

My hands found his hair and I tried to push him in his head,but he was so much stronger then me,so he pushed my hands away,above my head. As he pinned my hands above my head his hands were all over my body...everybit of his touch made me want to puke.

Please god...

His hand sneaked in under my jeans,to my heat. He pushed two fingers inside which made me yell in pain once again. And that was the last straw. I need to fight. I won't let someone rape me. Have pleasure just for their own benefit.

I pushed my leg up as hard as I could and I kicked him in the balls! He directly got away from my body,and laid besides me,holding his balls and coughing in pain. I smiled to myself,and crawled as far away from him as I could.

"You fucking whore!" He screamed to me. As he stood up he opened the door that was on the right side and walked out. I heard a click and was left in the dark,cold room...I didn't have much energy left,So I let the darkness take me. And I fell asleep for I don't know how long.

"Wake up whore,time to go and see your lover." The guy with brown hair and blue eyes said. He picked me up and tied my hands behind my back. I tried to fight back but couldn't,as he was much stronger then me. He put a bag over my head which made me blind...I heard the door click and we began to walk. As we walked I tried to memorize every turn,sound and step. I could count to one right,two left and straight.

We stopped and I heard a click once again. As he pushed me inside i tried to fight him back. I could hear that we aren't the only one in here. The air was too thick and warm. And I could hear chains. Someone being trapped in chains. As I tried to scream for help a sharp knife came in contact with my skin. I felt the blood dripp down my arm and a blood curling scream left my lips.

My arms was held above my head,and chained to the ceiling. And then the bag over my head was removed and I was met by a big light. It took a few seconds before my eyes could adjust to the light. And just as they did I was met by the brown eyes I once loved. I once missed to see again. He laughed and said,"Do you remember me princess...?" I could feel my heart dropp and my balance. I almost fell but the guy with blue eyes held me up.

"How could you!?" I screamed to him. Tears falling down my cheek. I looked forward and saw...Lazar? What the fuck!?

Eric,my omce called father walked over to Lazar and said something to him. It feelt like my whole world just collapsed. As I looked at Lazar,He brought his knee right into Eric's stomach. He fell to the ground and growled in pain. But the guy behind me pulled out a gun and pointed it to my head. I began to shake in fear and whimper. This is the end.

Lazar told him to calm himself and don't hurt me. He put the gun down and Eric stood up. He screamed something to Lazar and just as they was going to walk out two loud gun shots was heard,and I could feel pain in my leg. I screamed and looked towards Lazar. He was shot in the shoulder. I looked down my leg and I was bleeding really much...I am not giving up. Not here. Not ever.

Lazar asked me about my scars and I told him about them. He got mad but he said that everything will be okay. At first I was confused? Like how does he know that. But what he told me made goosebumps erupt on my skin at first...

He's the leader of the Mafia called The Brazier's...I've heard of them but never really thought about it.

"I am sorry-" he said,but I cut him off. No. Everything makes sense now! If Lazar will,and can I will be by his side and we will kill Eric Togheter. As a a...couple.

"No!...This means that we can take him down. He's already been hurting me. And I will never let him hurt me,or anyone again. I will be by your side to kill him. I am so fucking tired of being vulnerbly,crying,feeling pain and letting people walk over me! It's time for me to show them that I can be strong too. I have the darkness inside of me. And it need to come out!" I said. He smiled at me. And I felt proud. "That's my girl!" He said. I smiled at his words but the pain in my leg brought me back.

"Don't worry,my men will find us soon. And then we will kill this son of a bitch!" Lazar hissed. I could see the anger in his eyes. And I knew that he was telling me the truth with his words and eyes.

We will kill him.

We will kill him

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