Chapter fifteen

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As I drove from Jessica,I smiled to myself in the car. One of my hands on the steering wheel and the other holding my phone to my ear,as I was calling my mother. It took a few signals before she picked up.

"Hey,my boy! Are you on the way?" My mothers soothing voice said on the phone. I just turned left in on the street to a little shop. I thought that I maybe could buy some roses to my it clichè or whatever...but I love her. And that's the least I can do!

"Yes mom. I am there in 5 minutes tops." I said. We said our goodbyes and I took the car keys out of the car and walked into the little store. It wasn't big,but enough. I found red roses with white in them. I bought them and went back into my car. As I sat down on my seat,I felt my phone buzz.


I don't have time for his shit right now. I'll call him later. I watched the time,it says 6:23 pm,so I will be there right on time. I started the engine and began to drive to my parents house.

After a 2 minutes drive I was here. I looked out to my right through the dark window. The white house that I was raised in. Where all the good memories is...I love this house.

I walked out of the car-and of course with the roses in my hand-and knocked on the door. I waited for only a few seconds before my dad opened the door. He wore a pair of black jeans,a white t-shirt and his black shoes. His black hair styled a little bit on his head. His tall frame almost as tall as me. I look very much like my father. And both of us look good...if I could say it myself.

"Hey,son! I've missed you." My father said as he pulled me into a big hug,and patted my back. "Hey,dad. I've missed you guys too."I said and hugged him back. We pulled away as I feelt a pair of smaller arms hug my big frame,my mother.

"I've missed you so,so much,My boy!" My mother yelled happy. She hugged me more tighter. She's really short. She only reach to my mid chest. What can I say,Me and my father are tall.

"Missed you too!" I said,and kissed her on the cheek. Her green eyes that I got from her light up at the gesture. Her dimples showing of as she smiled a bright smile. Her brown hair in a ponytail,and her ears wearing the white pearl earings I bought for her for christmas last year. She wore a grey dress that reached down to her knees. A pair of white mid-high heels. And her lips red with lipstick.

"Come in now! I've made pasta carbonara,your favorite!" She squeled happy,as she took my hand in her's and led me in. My father and I chuckled behind her. I patted her shoulder and she turned around. That's when I gave her the roses. Her hand found her chest and her eyes targeted the roses. "Aww! Thank you!" She said and gave me a kiss on my cheek.

The night went on with us talking,eating,playing a few games and laughing. I haven't had this much entertaiment since I was with Jessica...I wonder what she's doing right now...

I looked at the clock that hung over the door into the kitchen. 10:44 PM. She's problaly asleep...but a text message don't hurt. Right?

"Ohh! How did the date go?" My mother suddenly asked as she sipped her red wine,with her red cheeks from laughing. My father also intrested in the question,so he looked at me. Now both looking at me. " went good actually. She's comming over to my place tomorrow. We're going to watch a movie and I planned to cook for her." I said,as I pulled out my phone out from my pocket. 

My mother nodded her head and smiled. My father took his wine glass and took a sip as he smiled. I shook my head slightly and chuckled at their weirdness. I clicked on the message icon,and clicked on my favorite name...jessica.

I looked at her name,and thought if I should write something or not...What if she's sleeping? I should wait until tomorrow at least.

I put my phone down in my pocket again and continued the night with my parents. They didn't ask very much about Jessica as they knew that we've only been on two dates. Or well one really propper.

After hours of talking we all went to bed. Since I have been drinking some wine,I can't drive my car. So I will sleep here for tonight in my old room upstairs. We all said our goodnights,and my parents went to their bedroom downstairs and I,uppstairs. I won't lie,I am a little it was a little hard walking up the stairs without almost falling down 5 times...but,yeah...

I took off all my clothes,making me only standing in my white boxers. I laid down on my back on the comfy bed...but I couldn't really sleep. Something is disturbing me.


I let out a big sigh and unlocked my phone that laid besides me. I clicked on the messages again and on Jessica's name. I clicked on the 'phone' icon,and the signals began to appear. I laid in the bed,waiting for her to pick up. After a few signals she finally picked up.

"hello? Lazar,why are you calling me this late,somethings wrong?" The angel on the other side of the line asked me. She had a little sleepy voice that sounded so cute...

"No baby. I just wanted to hear your voice." I said. My voice comming out little more deep as I intended it to...I could hear her inhale a deep breath. "Uhm,okay. Well what did you want, Handsome." She said. A little confidence boost at the end...ohh,I like that.

"What are you wearing?" I asked her as My hand began to touch my,already hard on,between my legs. "Lazar...Im not going to tell you that!" She chuckled. "oh,come on! Just this time...please." I said. I never say please. "Lazar,you're drunk." She said,again as She chuckled. "No im not. Just horny that's all." I said confident. She stopped breathing.

"A pair of red string,and a red bra..."


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