Chapter twenty-two

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I woke uoke up with the sound of birds singing. The curtains on the windows blocking out the sun. I looked down on my chest and saw Jessica sleeping. I smiled to myself and kissed her on her forhead. I looked to my right where my phone was laying. I looked at the time. 8:34 AM. I have some good time to make something to eat for us. I took Jessica gently off of me,and put her on the side. I put some pillows around her,and the quilt on her small body. I put on some black ripped jeans, a white shirt and black shoes.

I walked out of the room and down the stairs. As I looked up from where I was going,I could see the door slightly open...? What the hell!

I stopped in my tracks and bent down on the stairs. I pushed on a little button on the stair and a painting opened. I looked to my left and took out the gun out of the painting/wall. I closed it and loaded the gun. I walked down the stairs and into the livingroom. I pointed the gun ahead of me as I could see someone sitting on my black coach.

"Who the fuck are you,and what the hell are you doing here!!" I yelled to the person who sat on my coach. The person stood up and turned around. I directly knew his brown eyes and his black hair. But before I could pull the trigger I felt a sharp sting in my neck. A neddle. In only seconds I felt my head being dizzy,and the dark consuming me...and the only thing that was on my mind was,



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I woke up with cold water being poured at me. My hands cuffed to the ceiling and the shock of the water on my skin. I looked around frantically and saw his brown eyes...the anger once again filling me up.

"Finally you're awake...I have news!" He said excited as he put his hands together and gave me a smile. I looked him into his eyes with so much anger...I could kill him NOW!

"I found her! I found the girl that I once called my daughter and the girl that I once loved." He said. My anger just got worse and I could feel the pain in my chest. Before I knew it I was screaming at him.

✔️ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕞𝕚𝕤𝕖 𝕄𝕖 𝕐𝕠𝕦 𝕎𝕠𝕟'𝕥 𝕃𝕖𝕥 𝔾𝕠?.18+Where stories live. Discover now