Merry christmas*bonus chapter*

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Lazar's POV

"Jessica,you awake?" I couldn't stop smiling. The moonlight was shining proud outside,as the snow was falling from the sky. Covering the whole ground for the kids in the world to play on,build snowmans and much more.

I patted my hand on her back,trying to wake her up. Her back was facing me as we were laying in our bed. I scooted closer to her,kissing her neck as I was behind her. She woke up with a groan,her hands itching in her eyes.

She turned around,her now silver-blond hair looking messy but only making my member downwards waking up more...

"What is it love?" Her arm swung around my neck,pulling me closer. I smiled and kissed her on her lips. Her eyes opened and she smiled at me. The same smile that I fell for the first time I saw her. My hand found their way up her waist,pulling at the white panties she was wearing.

"Lazar..." she breathed out. A smile came quickly on my lips at the affect I have on her. I leaved sloppy kisses along her jaw,neck and breasts that was exposed. She laid herself on her back,giving me acsess to her body. I put my body over her's,my arms besides her body so I don't crush her. I looked up from her body,into her beautiful eyes...those dreamy eyes I hope our children will have...

"I love you,Jessica." I say. She smiles and kisses me on the lips,her hand pulling my head closer to her. "And I love you. I have thought about something..." she says. She bites her lip;just like she does when she is up to something or is nervous. I chuckle and look at her eyes. She smiles and spill the words,I most definitley didn't expect.

"I want get pregnant within four months. I have this baby fever,and I really want to have my own...with the only man I love." I didn't know that the tears had spilled out of my eyes,before she seiped her thumb under my eyes...those words is what I've dreamt of hearing. I didn't want kids if you had asked me two years ago. But ever since I met my wife that all just went out of the window. I knew,that she would be the mother of my children.

"Then let's do it! I only want you. I want to have children with you,and raise them to wonderful kids." She looks at me before she kisses me slowly,her tongue dancing with my own. I roll over to the side,grabbing her by her hips and swinging her over my own hips,so she's straddling me. She giggles and kisses me more,but this time I take charge of the kiss,making it more hungry. I push my hips slightly upwards,so she feels how hard I am through my boxers. She stops with the kissing and rests her face in the crock of my neck,as moans escapes her lips at the feeling of my dick rubbing against her.

"Oh-p-please I want you now!" She rushes out,taking her panties off in one second,and then pulling my boxers down. I laugh at her desperate little self running around. She straddles me once again,but not pushing my dick inside of her,only rubbing her wetness on it,and it drives me insane!

"Jessica!" I moan,grabbing her ass and smack her cheeks. She moans and giggles. She slowly pushes my dick inside of her. Both of us breathing heavily at the pleasure that erupts in our body's.

"Ahh fuck,Lazar!" She cries out. I switch our positions,making her below me once again. I thrust my hips,sliding in and out inside of her. Our moans filles the room,as I grab onte the headboard above her head,and takes a steady grip on it. I get enough of strenght to thrust into her-hard. Her body shock out of shock at my hard thrust and her moans filled the room delicatly. I took a harder grip and did it again and again and again. Her legs wrapped around my hips,pulling me closer. But I took her legs and put them on my shoulders.

I hit her g-spot and she begun to clench around me,making me graon at the tightness that was building around my dick. I felt the feeling in my lower stomach,my dick being harder as the cum was on it's way out. Sweat dripped down my forhead,and the same on Jessica. Her upper body was covered in sweat,her hands were gripping hard onto the headboard trying to stabilize her self at my hard thrusts.

"I'm gonna come!" She moans out,I drop my head down,kissing her as she exploads around my dick. The same second I feel her cum running down my dick,I come too. I moan into her mouth,as my cum exploads in her pussy. She moans and we stay like that for a moment. We both breath heavily and we open our closed eyes at the same time.

"T-that was amazing!" She laughs lazily,and kisses me on my cheek. I pull out earning another moan from her. I lay down besides her and look at her. She's so beautiful...

" know if we want a kid...we need to have more sex,we won't get pregnant after one try..." she smiles,and kisses me on the lips.

"So,you want to go for another round?" I ask,and look in her eyes. She blush a little bit and nods,her teeth showing. I smile and we begin the whole process again.

"Merry christmas my dear..." I whisper in her ear and kisses her again.

"Christmas isn't for a couple of days?" She says,a little bit confussed. "Iknow. But what if you might get pregnant and then we will have our gift together...a kid." I say and kiss her.

"Then we better hurry up!" She laughs.

This is the only woman I want. And the only woman I will have. I love her and I don't know what the hell I would do without her. I love her.

"I love you."

"I love you."

We both gets caught of guard as we say it at the same time...

It makes us laugh. Her laugh...

Nothing is better then family.


Merry christmas everyone! This was just a quick present for you guys. I personally don't like christmas very much since it's pretty much alcohol involved...but I keep it up!

Love you guys,thanks for making me smile everyday when I see that you're voting,commenting and putting my books in your lists. Thank you!❤️


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